запись (Entry)

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"Are you sure I am not going to suffocate and die?" I eyed the huge suitcase doubtfully.

Ivan laughed and Viktor rolled his eyes before speaking. "For the one hundredth time no! Now quit your whining and get in." They reassured me they drilled pinholes in several spots for air to seep in, but none were visible.

"I'm not whining. Let's see you get in here and not bitch about it." I grumbled.

"You're wasting time." Viktor sang smirking at me.

"Ugh!" I jabbed a finger into Ivan's chest as I stepped into my cramped coffin. "You better be gentle and quick."

"Da (Yes), da (yes) in you go little кролик (bunny)." Ivan bite his lip trying not to laugh at my distress.

I laid down in the suitcase and folded my limbs into the cramp space. Shit, I hope this was going to work. It was the only way I was getting out of the hotel under the nose of Petrov's men. Ivan bent down and lifted the other side of the case. "Remember take short breaths and no moving." Then I was plunged into darkness and jostled as he sat the case upright.

Now I have been in some tight spaces and I was really limber; but this was beyond tight. I tried adjusting my myself but the hard lining of the suitcase was unrelenting. I prayed I was only going to be stuck in here for no more than five minutes. I heard a female voice, but the thickness of the case made it hard to decipher words. I could only hear basic sounds and feel every bump and strip the case rolled over as we made our decent to the lobby.

The plan was that Viktor had Ivan and a female to leave the hotel with their luggage. Of course I was in the largest one wheeled by Ivan. Then we would drive near Blackgate where I will access the building using a series of abandoned tunnels. Viktor's inside man at Blackgate was able to make a copy of the key for the two gates where I will gain access. They had made a few changes since I was here two years ago. So I  memorized the changes, the overall layout of Blackgate, and my routes that I will use.

I contained a few curse words as Ivan place me roughly in the trunk of the car. I heard the muffled sound of the door slamming, then my body getting further jarred as the suitcase slid sideways as the car surged forward into the flow of traffic. I hit the release button and it allowed the case to release me from my hell only slightly. The lid popped open as air rushed into my lungs. It cracked open within the confinement of the trunk. I felt the car moving but I still remained as quiet as possible. I maneuvered around a little freeing my guns from their holsters.

After several twist and turns and sliding back and forth in the trunk of the car; I was ready to kick someone's ass. That who is Ivan. I knew he was just getting his kicks from what happen three years ago. How was I to know he was one of Viktor's best friend. When we first met, he was too friendly and I may or may not have broken his hand and dislocated his jaw. I think he was being over dramatic and had his hand put in a cast to make me feel bad. Unfortunately for him, it did the opposite and I made fun of him in front of his boys. Male ego is so fragile.

Guess he's still sore about it, which explains his not so careful handling of my situation. The car drove on for at least twenty minutes and the smooth roads turned bumpy. The car slowed until it came to a rolling stop. I heard the pop of the trunk and then a few seconds later the trunk was lifted up. My hands tightened around the handles of the guns ready to shoot my way out if Ivan's face wasn't the one to greet my eyes.

"Hey, hey little кролик (bunny) no shoot me!" Ivan whispered yell at me with his hands held up in surrender.

I lowered my guns and glared at him. "I should effing shoot you! I told you to be gentle, you asshole." I shove my babies back into their holster and climbed out of the trunk, slapping Ivan's hands away as he chuckled. He totally didn't feel remorse.

I scanned the densely, thick forest trying to regain my former memories. "What about the sensors and cameras that are planted out here."

"No worries, our guy has access for another hour, so you don't have much time to get in and out."

"Great, one hour to free one of the most heavily, guarded prisoner out of a fortified fortress." I fished into my other bag getting my last toys and started on my trek into hell.

"Good luck little кролик (bunny), I'll be here at 10." I threw up my middle finger in acknowledgement, but didn't turn around. I was still pissed at him.

My feet crunched in the hard packed snow as I weaved my way closer to Blackgate. Fun fact, Yekaterinburg had secret and forgotten tunnels throughout the city and surrounding countryside. The historic city was named after Catherine I and ended with the last royal family, the Romanovs being executed. The town also known for their mineral and extensive salt mines now abandoned. As the city grew, the tunnels were forgotten and those that were known was forbidden. To access the tunnels, one needed a permit from the government. Those were hard to come by, because of the danger the mines posed. They were prone to cave-ins and highly toxic fumes saturated the air in the tunnels.

Blackgate was built on top of an abandon mine. Blackgate was an old industrial building turned into a military installation. The military sold to private investors after the construction of their new training and headquarters in the center of town. The building now housed the Russian mafia and was their place for holding their merchandise; drugs, guns, and prisioners.

The salt tunnels were my way in. I stopped and started digging in the snow. It was around here somewhere. Ah, I felt the handle and pulled. I scrambled to the ladder and closed the camouflaged lid down. I quickly descended down into the boughs of the earth.

The gas assaulted my nose immediately and dryness crept along my throat. I jumped off the remaining few steps, my time collapsing faster than I anticipated. I placed the small gas mask over my face and pushed the goggles down to cover my eyes. I felt immediate thirst as I sucked in the oxygen. After a few deep gulps, I armed myself and started to jog down the uneven terrain of the mines.

This section of the mine didn't get a lot of attention. It was not carved out by the workers, there were no train tracks that they used in more productive parts of the mine to haul out the mined ore. My theory is that this section didn't yield enough minerals to ensue hard labor.

As I moved closer towards Blackgate the cavern shrunk until I was almost crawling through the open. I took the right tunnel at the split and there civilization greeted me with an iron gate. I unbutton the hidden pocket on the inside of my pants leg and freed the key. I reached through the bars and unlock the gate.

I scanned up at the ceiling at the camera position towards the gate. The red light was off, my movements were still undetected. Fifty more feet I came upon a steel door. I unlocked the door and stepped inside the basement.

The dark basement was lined with pipes that ended in large pumping stations and the dim glow of yellowish lights that cast shadows everywhere. The floor was damp from the slow leak of the pipes and I cringed a little at the massive rat that scurried ahead of me on the pipes on the left side of the wall.

A door appeared after a bend to the right in the hall. I pulled out the master key and bent down putting my ear next to the keyhole. No sound. I proceeded with caution as I unlocked the door. I replaced the key in its hiding spot and gripped one of the guns tightly. The other hand opened the door slowly, I stood behind the door for cover in case someone was in the room. I left the door half open and waited for thirty seconds. Nothing. I crouched low and open the door with my gun aimed in front of me. The room was empty. It was the broiler room and the steam from the three, old, floor to ceiling heating units turned the room into an instant sauna.

I shed the bag I had draped across my body and put my gas mask and goggles in there along with the other ones. I hid the bag behind the pipes in the tunnels then closed the door quietly. The first leg accomplished, I got in the building, now I needed to go up one floor and get to the other side of the building incognito. Yeah, easy. I glanced down at my watch, forty -five minutes until the curtains were up.

Ohhhh, things about to go down!

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