привязали (Strapped)

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Chapter 51

I was dragged by one of Petrov’s men to a room off the lobby of the hotel.  I was shoved into the room and followed closely by Petrov. “Search her.”

I collected myself and turned around to face the men.  I held up my arms and waited for one of his men to approach.  One of the men stepped forward and I moved to undo my coat. “You don’t trust me, Petrov?”

“No.”  His man proceeded to pat me down.  Of course he reached into the pocket of my coat and located the gun.  I wanted them to find it.  It is what they expected. He pulled it out and held up for Petrov to see. “What was your plan?  If you shoot me, then you will never see your boyfriend.”

I shrugged my shoulders.  “A girl gotta try.”  I smirked at him. His man removed my coat and continued his search.  He found nothing else on my body.  He nodded at Petrov that I was clear.

“I see you dressed up special for lover.” Petrov sneered. 

“Yes, I wanted to look extra special for him.” I put my hands on my hips and posed.  “What do you think?”

He stepped up into my face, his nose skimmed the side of my face.  I tried not to cringe.  “I think you will look better stripped bare, and bleeding from every cut I am going to make on your body.  Take her.”

A man came up and yanked on my arm with an iron grip. I was taken out of the room and down a hall to a side door.  We were led outside to several cars lined up at the curb. Petrov got into one of the cars in the middle.  I was surprised that he was allowing me to get in the same car. 

I settled into the seat in the back, across from Petrov who was sitting in the passenger seat.  “I see you can’t part with me.  So how long is the trip? I hope you have some good music playing.  Or do you want to play a game.” Well if he wanted to be in the same car as me.  My plan was to be annoying as shit.

“I think you misunderstand, I will not be entertaining you.  I want to have you close to make sure you don’t escape.” He gave me a nod.  Only it was not aimed at me.  I felt a prick on the side of my neck. Son of a bitch, was the devil messing with me?  Did he think it was funny that I got a taste of my own medicine?  “Don’t worry it will not kill you.   I don’t want to deprive you of your reunion. You are going to feel my pain shortly, when you watch the life of your lover drain slowly out of his eyes in front of you.”

Petrov’s voice was fading fast, as the drug took effect and knocked me out.  My head felt heavy and I felt like I was in a fog.  I could hear something buzzing around me and I tried hard to concentrate on the sound.  Every part of my body felt weighed down, as I struggled to open my eyes.  A part of me wanted to stay in this fog, but I knew I couldn’t. 

The buzzing became louder and I strained to listen and make out the sound.  The sound seemed incoherent.  I needed to wake up.  I tried to open my eyes, but to no avail.  I then tried to sit up, but my body was not cooperating. What the fuck is going on?  Am I dreaming? The sound was getting louder and I could start making out what it was.

“Ne….Ne….Ne..Ne…” That kinda sounds like Vik calling my name. I poured all my concentration on the words that were floating over me.  “Nene!!! Nene!!!” That was definitely Vik.  I tried saying his name, but the sound I made was unintelligible.  I tried again unsuccessfully. 

“Don’t talk.”  That was definitely Vik and I could hear him more clearly. “Don’t fight against the drug.”  I followed his instructions and stopped trying to talk.  However, I tried getting up, but again felt like I was being weighed down.  “Stop struggling! They have you strapped down.”  I again complied with his request.  “What the fuck are you doing here, Nene!! Shit, you shouldn’t have come here.  We don’t have much time before someone comes back in here.  We are being held in an underground bunker.  There are two guards that have been rotating out of here about every hour.  One stays in the room and the other stands outside the door. They have you strapped to the cot with four leather straps and your mouth gagged.”  That is Vik for you, always laying out the situation.  Business first and then he will deal with the personal shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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