притворство (Pretense)

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Chapter 28

Finally the effects of the drugs were almost purged from our system. After we showered and dressed, we decided to go out and investigate. Dressed in my beloved jeans; the thrill of spying had the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I was now in my element. We stayed out of sight and spotted all the couples at Heather and Frank's place. We snuck in through the back to spy on them. Within a few minutes we learned they still haven't figured out what to do with us. Karl was trying to calm everyone down. Ethan along with the ladies were under the impression that we were dead. Karl announce that they plan to come back to our house after dinner. Then they would decide to do with us. That gave us about two hours to make a plan. We quietly snuck out and returned back to our house to eat and plan.

I was vigorously beating the batter while Barsotti was cooking us omelets. I I stuck my finger into the batter, scooping out a dab and plopping it into my mouth. I wanted to make sure the flavor was strong before putting in my final ingredients.

He plate our omelets and placed them on the table. He sat down and watch as I moved around the kitchen. "Explain to me why you are not pissed off. What the hell are looking for?"

I was scrounging underneath the sink looking through the bottles of household cleaners. "I know I saw it a few days ago. Ah, here it is." I pulled the big container from the back and slammed it on the counter. I dove back in and grabbed another cleaner.

"I say we go over there and shoot first and ask questions later. I don't want to shoot to kill but to maim. Then torture them slowly until they bled out." Barsotti took out his anger on his poor omelet, sawing through it viciously with his knife.

"Oh there's my blood thirsty Italian mafia man. I'm so happy to see you. But no, that is not how we are going to handle this. We are going to take them a cake." I took the pot of boiling water off the aisle and pour the chemicals into it.

"A cake. Okay, I'm lost." I sifted powder into the foul smelling liquid and thenI dumped half a bottle of sage into the mixture thickening it up a little. I didn't want it want too thick, it needs to be a little runny to blend into the cake batter. I needed it to be fast acting and hope that I did not put too much in. I didn't want to kill them.

"Oh, this is a special cake. I want to return their kindness." I poured the chemicals into my cake batter and began stirring briskly.

"How? We don't have paralytic drugs with a powerful aphrodisiac agent." I sniffed the batter to make sure the odor was cover up. Uhmmm, needed a little more sweetener.

"Oh contraire, my Italian mobster. We do. Only it is not as sophisticated as theirs, but it should yield results." I poured the batter into the two cake pans and put them in the oven. I sat down at the table to enjoy my omelet.

"Results?" He poured some juice into my cup.

"Pain and agony." I raised my glass.

"Ah, now that's what I'm talking about." He clinked his glass with mine. He eyed me over the rim of his glass.

"Hey, what are you staring at? Be careful, don't fall in love with me."

Barsotti actually roared with laughter and almost choked on his juice in the process. "Hey, I'm serious. You know once you have tasted my honeypot, you become strung out on me like crack." I grinned at my own analogy.

"Seriously, you are hilarious. I should warn you not to fall in love with me."

Barsotti continued to snigger and shake his head at me.

"Pfft. As if." I mumbled under my breath, placing a bite of the omelet. "Yum, this is surprisingly good."

"I have a lot of skills, not only in the bedroom but also in the kitchen. Now you have had a taste of both. Tell me, what's the plan?" I rolled my eyes at his teasing.

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