дышать (Breathe)

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Chapter  14

Damn, I thought I would feel pain when I got shot by a spray of bullets. Maybe it was a good thing, I just got my ass handed to me and now its over. No more worries. No more assignments. No more suffering. No more Italians... No more..



Damn, heaven is noisy. Why are they shouting my name. Oh shit, maybe I'm in hell.. Dang, maybe I should've gone to church more. Shut up!

"Phoenix! Fuck, open your eyes! Speak to me! Damn, don't die on me! Viktor will kill me, if you die on my watch."

"Ivan... you.. prick, quit.. screaming." I gasped out each word. The pain hitting me with full force for each word I spat out. I wasn't dead and my second of peace was gone.

"Ah, you are not dead!" The sound of relief in his voice.

"Not... yet..." I rasped. My breathing was becoming harder to control and my vision blurry. Sharp stabbing pains in my chest made me gasp for air. My upper body ached and I wrapped my arms around my waist to try and alleviate the pain.

Ivan scooped me up in his arms. I groaned in agony.

"Sorry." Ivan apologized as he exited the house through the front door. He stalked towards his car, the back door opened by one of his comrades. "Be careful with her. Phoenix try to control your breathing. "

Ivan transferred me into Barsotti's arms. "What the hell happened in there? Where's Renzo?"

"Dead." Ivan revved the car pulling off with a jolt squeezing another groan of agony from my lips. "Sorry, Phoeny."

My groan gained Barsotti's attention. He scanned me over quickly then place his fingers on my wrist. "You are not doing so good."

"I've..uh... bee.....been...uh.. better.." I barely got the words out. Barsotti position my head onto his lap. He pulled off my colored wig, tossing it to the floor.

"Shh, don't talk. Hey, you need to get her to a doctor fast." I stared at the underside of Barsotti's raggedy beard. The blonde wig and pink boa gone. I wanted to laugh that he still had on the hot pink coat. I hope someone took a picture of him, great blackmail material. However, the mood was fleeting as another stabbing pain ripped through my chest. I just needed to sleep, then I wouldn't feel the pain. Yes, sleep. Sleep no pain. Sleep. Sleep...Sleep....

My body was shaken and I was staring into the family's liquid, amber eyes of the Barsottis.  So hypnotizing.. His lips were moving, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"You gotta stay awake. Do you hear me? Victoria? Phoenix? Hell, which one is her name?"

"Phoenix. Her real name is Phoenix. Shit, hang on we are almost there."

Ivan's and Barsotti's voice was started to fade. "She's stop breathing! Phoenix fight! See if you were a man, you would stay and fight."

I wanted to yell and argue with Barsotti over his chauvinistic comment, but I was too tired. Too much pain. So much easier to just take a nap. Barsotti's face started to fade from view but not before I felt his rough lips on mine.


I know extremely short, but a little teaser of what's to come. Nicci♡

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