замужем (Married)

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Chapter 16

"Seriously Viktor you putting us up in a dacha?" I crossed my arms below my chest mindful of the tube, shaking my head no.

Viktor rolled his eyes and grabbed my chin. "Yes, Nene a dacha. There is actually a community of foreign survivalists that rents out the Murzinka community every year. I have secured you two new identities while you are staying there."

"What's a dacha?" Barsotti inserted himself into our glaring match. I broke off eye vontact with Vik and latched onto Barsotti.  He was still sitting in the chair at the foot of my bed, while Vik towered over me. I didn't care if he stood with his intimidating power stance, I was not going to a dacha in the winter.

"It's hell, that's what it is." I huffed out.

Viktor laughed patting my head like a dog. I pushed his hand away and pouted. He relaxed and sat on the edge of my bed to face Barsotti. "Our Phoenix here is a little spoiled and not a big fan of nature or roughing it. Dachas are summer homes that alot city dwellers escape to from their crowded apartments. Winters are harsh here and life at the dachas can be a little more challenging in some areas. Lot of owners of dachas use them only during the summertime to commune with the enivornment, growing their fruits and veggies, barbecues.."

"Of course he is leaving out the lack of modern convenciences, like no bathroom inside of the house and electricity.." I  interrupted. He made it sound like a retreat.

"Phoenix, I keep telling you that not all dachas are like the one we stayed in a few years ago." Vik, of course glossing over our experience with the rundown dacha we stayed in a few years ago.

"Hmph, whatever. Like you said, in the winter it can be harsh. Hello, it's winter." Waving my hand in the air, to point out the obvious.

"What is our story?" Barsotti completely ignoring my tirade and addressed Vik.

"You're newlyweds trying to escape the fast pace of life in Rome. From what I saw earlier, I believe you two can pull it off." He gave both of us a wink.

"Me married to him? No." I motioned my finger between myself and who was becoming my nightmare, Barsotti.  I was never going to shake him. I got him out of Blackgate. Job complete.

"I agree. I told you it was a misunderstanding." Barsotti stated flatly.

"Hmmm.. Sorry not up for discussion. This community is for married couples. It is the best I can do on such notice and honestly the safest option."

Barsotti rose out of the chair, his shoulder was sagging and fatigue was settling in. "When do we leave?"

"In a few days. Not until that tube is removed from Phoenix's chest. Both of you get some rest, you are going to need it."

"Wait Vik, can you stay for a minute?" I wanted a few private words with him.

"Sure." He moved to open the door for Barsotti.

"We will talk later." He nodded to both of us and left the room.

"How bad is it, really?" I wanted to know the reality of our situation. 

"Vilseck bad." Vik leaned against the closed door.

"Damn. Are you sure you will be alright? Can you trust Anatoly and his men not to reveal our connection." I stretched out my hand and he quickly stepped forward to squeeze it reassuringly.

"You know you can't fully trust anyone in our line of business. I have made contingency plans.  Don't worry about me Sis, focus on getting healthier. We need to hand off Satino to those Italians. This war will start to affect other circles, if it doesn't end soon."

"Do you have a line on the Pakhan?" The Pakhan was the head of the Russian mafia. No one knew who he or she was. A decade ago, the previous Pakhan and his family was gunned down by a rival group. The new one was paranoid and very secretive.  His identity unknown to the Russians as a whole. Only a few trusted men knew the Pakhan's identity.

"No, I don't know who it is. He is well insulated.  I only know he is not happy with Petrov and his patience is wearing thin."

"What is Dad's involvement?"

"Neutral. You know he can't be drawn into direct squabbles between families. He will lose neutrality and not be trusted. Don't worry about Dad.  He will be in the shadows until we absolutely need him. I got you and I will get you out. This time listen to me and never come back." Vik let go of my hand and leaned over to kiss my forehead.

"Trust me. I am never stepping foot in your country again. I love you."

"I love you too. Get some sleep." He made a move to the door.

"Hey wait! This community,  do you have anyone inside?"

"No, this place is legit. They started up here a few years ago. I checked them out. No gang or mob affiliation.  Their group orginates from Germany. They have several of these survivalist camps around the globe in different climates."

"Alright, as long as my dacha has a bathroom inside, I will be okay."

"Rest,  сестренка (sis).   Быть безопасным (Be safe.)"

"Ты тоже (You too)."

Whew I know its been awhile.. it seems that I need to resume my goals to keep me on track.  Are you ready for wedding bliss?
Nicci ♡

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