обещание (Promise)

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Chapter 11

"Victoria, you're early." Petrov stepped between his armed men to the front. "Don't be stupid and lower your weapons."

I knew we were out gunned as more men poured into the hall from behind us. Now we were surrounded. I relaxed my stance and gave Barsotti a sideways glance. He didn't follow suit and remained rigid, his gun aimed at Petrov.

"Petrov, let us go and I will give you the location of your diamonds."

Petrov clucked his tongue and his men from behind us moved in to relieve us of our weapons. "Now, now Victoria you are not in a position to make any demands. I told you earlier that I will not let you go after what you did. Your actions has proven that you did not care for my brother. You didn't come back for him or the diamonds. You are here for this 'Italian сволочь'. Now Nikolai will see you don't love him. You never did." Guns were pressed against our temples. "Put her in the chamber."

"What about him?"

"She wanted him so bad, let him watch."

Hands wrapped around my arms like a vice and I was half lifted and dragged down the hall. We were being pulled away in the opposite direction of the basement. A door was thrown opened and I was shoved inside stumbling forward, but catching myself before I fell on my face. I whipped around as Barsotti was forced into the room with a guard on each side. Petrov entered the room and made a beeline for me. I stood my ground and jutted out my chin in defiance.

"Ah Victoria so proud and bold as I remember. I see you are not afraid of me, but you will be soon. I promise you, I will make you pay for what you did to Nikolai."

"Me? Look in the mirror, Petrov. You killed your brother not me."

"You bitch! you took him from me!" Petrov's fist came fast and hard into the side of my jaw. The contact was painful and knocked me to the ground. My bun was snatched at the roots, as he hauled me back to my feet. I only gained my footing for a second, before he landed another hard blow to my stomach.

I held in a cry of pain and sucked in my breath. I wasn't going to give him what he wanted. He wanted me on my knees crying and begging for my life.

"Do you feel like a man hitting a defenseless woman? It won't bring back your brother. He despised you at the end. He couldn't stomach that he had the same blood running in his veins, as you." I laughed rising back to my full height, and spat in his face.

His face contorted in rage and he snapped. He rained down his iron fists upon my body and I collapsed to the floor. I curled into a tight ball, covering my head and face as the tip of his boots pounded my exposed limbs. I bit my lips and tried to contain any whimpers of pain escaping from Petrov's brutality. I blocked out the world around, retreating to a corner in my mind. I recited a mantra from the religion of Hinduism.

I was not a religious person, but I spent a few months traveling around India with Viktor and an underground gang. One of the things I picked up was mediation and one mantra that is known as Great Death Conquering.

We concentrate on our third eye which lies behind the two eyes and he gives us the power to feel you and by this we feel happy, satisfied and peace in life. We know immortality is not possible but some extension can be given to our death by your powers Lord Shiva.

I repeated the mantra over and over, detaching myself to my reality. I don't know how many times I chanted the mantra, when I no longer felt the blows to my body. My mind reconnected with reality when someone slammed into the room, yelling and stopping the onslaught of Petrov's rage.

"Petrov, Petrov! We are under attack!" It was about time. Shit, it took Viktor long enough for the diversion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Petrov's voice above my head moved a couple of steps away. I relaxed my arms that was protecting my head and assessed the room. Petrov's man was in the open doorway and Petrov had his back to me. My eyes stopped as it connected with Barsotti. He was forced down on his knees with a guard standing on each side of him. The guard on his left had a gun held to the back of his head.

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