блаженство (Bliss)

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A/N before the Chapter

Hey guys sorry it took so long for this update. At first, I was writing at my leisure until the goal was met. When it didn't happen I got sidetrack by life. My goals are very low, it's just for me to know that people are out there and reading the story. Don't forget you are my inspiration to write faster. Goal will be posted at the end of the chapter. Now I will get off my soapbox and let you read. Enjoy.

Chapter 17

Five days. That's how long we were couped up in the basement of the building. The only visit we got were from the doctor that was monitoring and treating us. Vik and his men never returned after we were informed of our impeding stay at the dacha. The doc had no news on Petrov or about the hunt that the city was conducting to find us.

Barsotti kept to himself for the most part, coming in to work on our cover story. I wallowed in misery at the outcome of this mission. I hated being weak and vulnerable and there was only one person to blame. Satino Barsotti.  I loathed everytime he walked through my door. His voice grated on every nerve ending in my body. And everytime I saw him, I wanted to dragged my nails down his face.

If he hadn't been stupid enough to get captured, I wouldn't be here now with a tube sticking out of chest. The tube was removed two days ago and I just began moving around today.

"Phoenix, are you ready for your last check up?" I had been pacing next to my bed in the makeshift, so-called hostipal room. It was more like a large storage room with shelves lining all the walls, filled with boxes. My bed, hospital equipment and a chair was centered in the middle of the room. I was curious and opened one of the boxes and they contained old medical records. I could speak russian but my reading skills were awful. Vik gave up on me a long time ago, teaching me his written, native language. I read simple stuff like street signs and menus. But when you get into documents, I was a lost puppy.

I stopped pacing and focused on Dr. T who just entered the room. "Last check up? That means we are finally getting  out of this hole?"

"Yes, now there will be some restrictions. You must follow or your lung can collaspe again." He handed me a sheet of paper with  dos and don'ts. Thank god it was in english.

I glanced over the list and then put it on the shelf next to the bed. "I promise to be a good girl. When do we leave?"

"Someone will be here to collect you this evening after everyone has gone home."

"Okay, let's do this."

After I got the green light, he wrapped a bandage around my chest. He inisisted I get some rest and reminded me that the more rest I get the faster I will heal. I took his advice and crawled back into bed. My hope was to make the day go by faster and when I wake up, I will finally be free of this place.

My hope didn't last and I was an unlucky bitch. I opened my eyes and the bane of my existence was sitting across from me.

"What time is it?" I  sat up in the bed.

"It's seven." Barsotti was no longer hooked up to a rolling IV bag. He roamed the floor we were on and even snuck off the floor to score us some food. It was the only thing he was good for.

"Why are you in my room, staring at me like a creepy stalker."

"Came to talk." I rolled my eyes at his statement. I slumped back down in the bed and pulled the cover up to my head.

"All we've been doing is talking for the past three days." I moaned. I don't want to have another discussion about our cover story. I got it. Did he think I was slow or something. Damn, he was anal about every detail.

WANTEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora