лабиринт (maze)

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There was only one way out of the broiler room. I bounced on my feet psyching myself up and check the silencer on the tips of my babies. Okay, here we go.

I was out of my comfort zone. When I went on assignments, I would do surveillance at a distance for at least a week. Looking for weak points, patterns of movements of the party involved.

This felt rush. Too many possibilities for things to go wrong. But I had to hand it to Viktor, he did cover a lot of bases. His inside guy was an invaluable asset. He was crucial in order for me to pull this off. That was my problem. I didn't have control in this escape plan and I have to have total faith into someone I have no idea of their identity. Blind faith.

People rely on faith in their spiritual being, while others rely on themselves. I belong in the second category. Do I believe there is a God out there watching over me? I'm not sure about a specific god, because of the horrible things I've witnesses and experienced. It's hard to grapple that God would allow such depravity to happen to people, but there's something out there. Something that kept me alive throughout the years. Is it God? A spiritual being? I don't know. All I am certain of is that I have more than luck on my side. I sucked in my last breath and twisted the knob.

I cracked the door open and let my two-sided mirror slide through the opening. All clear, there was no one in the hall. I quickly entered the empty hallway and proceeded to my next spot.

A few doors down was a supply room of sorts. I quietly creeped into the room making sure it was free of anyone. It couldn't really be this easy. I did a quick happy dance and began to work quickly. I had unscrewed the large size vent in under thirty seconds. I crawled into the vent and twisted around to replace the cover.

I had plenty of room as I began my journey turning left and right for several hundred yards. I got to the junction where I had to go up. I stretched my arms and hefted myself up and did a spidey crawl up the side until I was lying flat on the vent shaft that was above my head. This was a lot more narrower and I had to resort to doing an army crawl.

The shaft I was in is on the floor they kept the prisoners. I batted away a few cobwebs as noises started to bounce around me. I could hear screams, groans, and sounds of machinery as I inched closer to my destination.

I was grateful the ventilation was well imbeeded into the wall. The sounds of me crawling were well insulated and not heard. Plus, can't have prisoners trying to escape. Unless they were skinny and small they wouldn't be able to fit through anyway. Which is exactly the reason I would not be able to escape this way. My Italian damsel would never be able to fit. I slowly inched closer to the small vent to get a view into the room where I could here the loudest scream.

I wished I never took a peek. A man was crudely strapped to an odd piece of wood with metal wires wrapped around his arms, torso, and feet. His head was hung low so I couldn't see his face just a mop of dirty blonde hair.

My eyes traveled lowered down his body and I automatically scrunched my nose and almost gagged.

Down the front of his body he had various cuts oozing out blood, ranging from sizes as small as a papercut to as large as fist. Some of the wounds were crawling with maggots and the front of his pants was soaked with urine and his bowels. The stench of his bodily fluids were taking away my breath.

I almost flinched when the man jerked up with an agonizing scream battering down on me. My eyes swung to his interrogator who was laughing at his pain, as he pushed a button sending electric currents through the poor man body.

I wish I could help the poor bastard that was being tortured. I couldn't jeopardize my mission, damsel in distress. I pulled away quickly crawling and counting the openings I passed, as I drew closer to my target.

I prayed to whoever was up there that my guy was in better condition than that poor bastard I just saw. If he was not, there was no way I will be able to get him out of here. The only thing I could do was put a bullet in his in brain and end his sufferings. Viktor's inside man didn't know the condition that Barsotti was in, but in a few seconds I was about to find out. I could hear the Russians taunting him in their language.

I peer over into the vent looking for my target. The room was configured a little differently than the previous one. The other one I had a full view of the room. Barsotti's cell was bigger and the vent was in the ceiling in the middle of the room. I had a small view around the vent.

Two men dragged Barsotti to a sawhorse slightly to my left and partly out of my view. He was shirtless his back decorated with angry welts, a pair of dark pants barely staying around his waist, and no shoes. His head was slumped forward and it was a matted mess. I couldn't see his face and wasn't sure if he was conscious.

I tuned in to what the Russians were saying.

"Петров сказал, чтобы получить информацию сегодня вечером. Я думаю, что хорошенький мальчик здесь, нужно сломать. Не так ли, Влад." (Petrov said to get the information tonight. I think pretty boy here, needs to be broken in. Don't you, Vlad?) The gruff voice was coming from my right and out of sight. I determined he was the leader of this little gang. So far I count three Russians, I listen ntently to see if there more were in the room.

"Да, это дерьмо не волнует, если мы сломаем ему кости. Давайте посмотрим, как он относится к его мужественности." (Yes, this shit does not care if we break his bones. Let's see how he feels about his manhood.) Vlad was one of the men that was next to Satino. He snickered and punched Satino on the side of his gut. He didn't make a sound. Shit, was he conscious?

"Питер перебирается сюда и рассказывает об этом куске дерьма, что должно случиться с ним." (Peter go over there and tell this piece of shit what's about to happen to him.) The unseen leader shouted at someone who I haven't been able to see. That makes four.

Peter step into view he looked like a prisoner, he was dressed as Barsotti. Black pants and no shirt, his bones protruding out of his sketal figure. A rope tied around his waist to keep his pants up. He looked foreign, but I couldn't place his nationality.

Peter bent over the still figure of Barsotti and told him in Italian what was about to happen.

"Stanno per violentarti, se non gli dai quello che vogliono." (They are going to rape you, if you don't give them what they want.) Peter quickly stepped back after delivering the message.

Barsotti remained motionless and Peter cowered at the Russians as Vlad put a gun to his head.

"Петр, скажи ему еще раз и заставь его понять, что я пришлю сюда двадцать человек и трахну его до смерти." (Peter, tell him again and make him understand that I will send in twenty men in here to fuck him to death.) The leader screamed from across the room.

Peter shook and again bent down to Barsotti's ear and fired off in rapid Italian.

"Rendi la pace con Dio, anche se dai loro l'informazione, manderanno degli uomini qui dentro per violarti finché non sarai morto." (Make your peace with God, even if you give them the information, they will send men in here to violate you until you are dead.)

Fuck, my time was running out. I had unscrewed the last bolt and was about to lift the vent.

"Черт возьми, Влад и Джозеф удерживают его." (Fuck it, Vlad and Joseph hold him down.) The Russian leader came into view drawing closer to Barsotti bent frame.

Just as I pulled the vent cover off Barsotti's body jerked into action. The men that were holding him was taken by surprise as he escaped their weak grip. Peter was knocked to the ground and then scurried out of view. I almost forgot that I was there to help, as I watch Barsotti quickly kill the two that were holding him and squaring off with the one in charge.

Time for me to get in the game. I shot the Russian leader with the silencer and swung down from ceiling.

My man Satino was not going down without a fight. Lol!

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