I slowly opened the door and the light shone on his face.

I breathed a sigh of relief. My eyes were starting to tear up again at the thought of it actually being the burly man.

Lucas stepped forward and by the look on his face, I could tell he saw my puffy eyes and red nose. He then continued to examine the rest of my body and saw some bruises poking out of my clothes.

Anger flashed through his eyes, and then pity and sadness.

He stepped a little closer but I backed away, scared. I could see the hurt and betrayal evident in his face.

A sob escaped my lips and I felt my legs giving up. Lucas caught me at the last second, bringing us both down whilst he hugged me and whispered comforting words.

I let all my tears free as the recollection of everything overwhelmed me. I sniffled once more and started to back away. I got up and sat on the couch waiting for Lucas to sit.

He sat down and we sat in silence. I knew he was wondering what happened since we last saw each other and I honestly did not feel like talking but I knew I had to tell him. I had to tell someone.

Lucas' mouth opened and closed as he was trying to get some words out. He was trying to think of a way to put the question or questions together without coming off strong.

"What...what happened?" He whispered. He was talking with me like I was a fragile China doll that could break any second now. I honestly thought I was too. But I was already broken, just a lot more now.

He scooted closer but I scooted farther away.

"Please...please don't get close to me," I said.

"Who, who did this to you?" He asked with a pained expression like it hurt him to ask.

I wanted to scream, yell, and punch. Crying was no longer a choice.

"It was just a walk, nothing more, nothing less." I said. "It was supposed to be a walk."

"Why were you on a walk?" He asked.

"I wanted to take my mind off of things so I went to work. My car didn't start when I was leaving and taxi cabs don't pick up people this late in Cairo."

"Why didn't you call me?" He asked with his voice low and soft with a hint of sadness.

"It was late. I was going to and then so many thoughts came into my mind with excuses on why you wouldn't answer. They all made sense."

I saw a tear escape his eye and roam down his face. Instinctively, my hand wiped another lone tear. My hand lay on his cheek and I stare into his eyes.

My hand ignites with fire and I could feel the electrifying sparks surging through us.

"Don't tell me if you don't want to. But promise me that next time something happens, I'll be the first one you'll call. Whenever your ready to tell me, I'll be here." I felt my heart melt at his words.

"What about when you leave? You won't be here." I knew that asking this was selfish but I needed him for some unknown reason.

Devote [book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant