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2 years later

"As your boss, I expect you to have the presentations and transcripts finished by the end of this week," I said to the workers.

"If you can't handle this then I don't know why you wanted or how you got the job. Being a public relations executive is something to not mess with. You chose this job the day you chose your major in college. Be a prissy and not do your work then you'll not have a job or a check." I walked away and into my office.

Being this mean was not my forte but you learn as the years go by.

After my two years of adventures, the traveling and all, I finally decided to stay in Africa. More precisely Cairo, Egypt, Africa.

I decided to learn everything and change myself. The religion and all are all unique and amazing. I decided to join the religion of Muslims and have been for the past years and the future years to come. I also started wearing a hijab to better myself in the religion.

The people is Egypt are nice and amazing. Having stationed here and building the offices, along with having coworkers from around the world is amazing. But being the boss is difficult and can have its risks plus its pros and cons.

Keeping a good image with the people of Egypt is hard considering I am a foreign person to them. I understand where they stand. I risk my life everyday when I go to meeting with allies and more.

According to the office in the US, we have an important meeting soon with some big shot company whom could bring us some good image.

Choosing who to team up with is hard but declining and making sure they don't make some fake news on my company is worse. It's just some people who are pricks and don't know what rejection is.

"Ma'am, we have news on the other company. It's run by-"

"They're here!" Some other worker yelled from a different room.

I got up from my desk and made my way to the lobby where the guests would be at.

As I made my down, I couldn't help but be nervous and question why I was. I was never nervous when meeting other companies but somehow this one made a feelings in the pit of my stomach happen.


"This right here is why-"

"Sorry, I'm here. My plane was late." Someone interrupted.

I turned around and saw Cristiano.

I froze, I never wanted to see anyone from his family and here he was.

I fixed my composure and said, "Sir, please take a seat and open the transcript up to page 25."

I turned back around to finish the presentation off.

"As I was saying, the program that is enlisted is to show you how teaming together can cause both I and your company to have good images. My team and I will help you either way. But if something bad that can cause my team to look bad then we can reconsider everything." I finished off and waited for someone to ask a question.

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

"Sir, Mr. Salvatore the questions must be purely professional. If you want a private meeting then you can schedule one with my secretary," with that said, I bowed my head and left.

"Why did you leave?" I heard his footsteps behind me.

"Sir, I only talk with my clients on strictly professional things. My personal stuff may happen outside of work, other than that, may you excuse me."

I walked as fast as I can to get away. I was about to get into my car when someone shut my door. Turning around, Cristiano was there.

"Your out of work, now answer my question," he said.

"Cristiano, please. I am begging you to leave me alone and forget we ever met again."

"Do you know how miserable Lucas is? He stopped going to work. My dad said I have to fill in for him and maybe become the heir if Lucas doesn't fix his act. I never wanted to become the heir and Lucas did."

"This person you speak of should not be miserable. He called me one of his flings on national tv and that is what I am. Just a fling so he must be upset over someone or something else, plus we only went on one date."

I reopened my car and got in but before closing my door I looked at Cristiano and could tell he was miserable too.

"How did you recognize me with the hijab on?"

"Your eyes and cheekbones. I didn't know if it was really you until you spoke and I knew it was you. I just wanted to say that I know how Lucas feels because I had someone leave me too. I will speak to you from my side and say that I do not know how he feels about you but I do know that he has some feelings for you. I don't know if it is pure lust or love or probably in the verge of becoming love, but what he did was wrong. I get it, I do. I would've punched him if it was you, but we can't change what he did. You ran. When he found out you resigned he hunted you down."

"He has no right. Please lie to him. Tell him I moved on, tell him that he has to move on. We barely knew each other."

I closed my car door and sped off. Once I made it to my house, I broke down.

We didn't know each other, it was just one date. I kept repeating that simple yet hard sentence. It became my mantra.

Do you hate me? I was going to make it Lucas instead of Cristiano but decided against it because it was too soon

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Do you hate me? I was going to make it Lucas instead of Cristiano but decided against it because it was too soon.

Maybe next chapter (;

If you actually read my book, who do you imagine as Imogen, Lucas, Cristiano, and Ryan?

#UsingMcDonaldsWifi hehe

Im posting as much as I can with the wifi gone, might be on a hiatus until wifi is back

I hope you enjoyed. Vote, Comment, and Share. Until next time, byeeee.

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