I entered the Hut to change into my own clothes, which were made of fabric and not leaves.
I had already worn my trouser, and was now looking for my shirt.

I hope those boys didn't take for themselves.
Suddenly the door of the Hut opened and in came my so called villagiously wife Anya.
And guess what?

Yes you guessed it right!
She was wearing my shirt.

"Why are you wearing my shirt?" I asked her.
"My shirt? Is it what you should say to you your wife on the first night after wedding?tsk tsk you are so unromantic. " She said.

"Yes the shirt you are wearing is mine and you are not my wife." i pointed at her.
"Your shirt? Honey, we are married now and it doesn't matter officially or villagiously, so anything that's yours is also mine..there's nothing like mine or yours...everything is ours." Anya said.

How can she accept this marriage?
There must be something added in the coconut rice that she ate heartily.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night," i muttered.
"Aww Zayd." She came towards me, kept both her hands on my shoulders.
It made my heart skip a bit.
And then she said," so it's decided."

I rolled my eyes and looked anywhere but her," what's decided?"
"That you will sleep on the floor."
"What? Why?"

She laughed, I smiled seeing her laugh. It made her look cuter than she really was.
She spoke, "oh honey, the bed we have is single. Using the bed will make me sleep at night. I mean, you are the one who said yeah? Whatever makes you sleep at night."

I removed her hands from my shoulder and said," But i can't sleep on the floor."

"That's your problem Asshole."

"I will make sure I sleep on the bed, you just wait and see."
"Okay, am really very tired, so good night."

She then headed towards the bed and slept.
I have to do something, I just can't agree to sleep on the floor.

Think Zayd Think.

Should I play the game she is playing?

Anya's P.O.V.

How can he deny what I heard he said?
But at the same time he must have said to annoy me.
He can never fall in love with me.
And there are many reasons for that.

Reason No.1.
He always fights with me.

Reason No.2.
He never agrees with my decisions.

And the most important reason...
Am not with the same religion as his.
He is a Muslim whereas am a Hindu.

But i have to know the truth.
If he really does love me? Then he should stop it.
Cause I will never be able to love him back. Atleast that's what I have been doing since high school.
Not to fall for the enemy.

But what should I do to know the truth?
Ummm. .. idea!

I should act as if am serious about this wedding, I know soon he will do the same and while joking I would be able to spill the truth out from him.

First i have to give him a cliché nickname.
Umm..darling? Nah! That's sounds so old.
Baby? Nah! I denied him to call me...then why would i call him baby?

So I decided to call him honey.
So these villagers had given us a Hut to stay in.
The Hut was cute.
It was just perfect for two people.
But i wanted my home, my room, my bed.

And since this grass dress was uncomfortable too, Zayd shirt was perfect.
It reached to my mid thigh, just pp enough to cover my butt.

I entered the Hut to see Zayd looking for something.
He back looked hot naked.
Fuck! What am I thinking?
He turned around and his bare chest made me lose my breath.
But the first thing he asked was, "Why are you wearing my shirt?"

"My shirt? Is it what you should say you your wife on the first night after wedding?tsk tsk you are so unromantic. "I said, I chuckled mentally to see him agitated.
"Yes the shirt you are wearing is mine and you are not my wife."He pointed at me.

"Your shirt? Honey, we are married now and it doesn't matter officially or villagiously, so anything that's yours is also mine..there's nothing like mine or yours...everything is ours."I spoke.

Gosh his face was worth seeing.p

Whatever makes you sleep at night," he muttered.
"Aww Zayd." I went towards him and  kept both my hands on his shoulders.
It made my heart skip a bit.
His body was warm and welcoming, I wish I could just hug him tight.
The close proximity made my breath hitch.
I composed myself and said," so it's decided."

He rolled his eyes and looked anywhere but me," what's decided?"
"That you will sleep on the floor."
"What? Why?"

I laughed, to ease my nervousness which was making me because of our closeness plus he was half naked and looking hella sexy.
I then spoke, "oh honey, the bed we have is single. Using the bed will make me sleep at night. I mean, you are the one who said yeah? Whatever makes you sleep at night."

He removed my hands from his shoulder and said," But i can't sleep on the floor."

"That's your problem Asshole."

"I will make sure I sleep on the bed, you just wait and see."
"Okay, am really very tired, so good night."

I then headed towards the bed and slept.
Let's see what he does...

So guys what do you think he will do to make sure he sleeps on the bed?
This update dedicated to AishaAhmed597 and kalaijaya71 and kaniharpanda

We Were Meant To Be.~ COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora