Kabuto along with 'Sasori' jumped away from Father according to the plan.

"That cloak of yours...it brings back memories Sasori." Father spoke still keeping up with the charade.

"So you followed Kabuto here then?" 'Sasori' commented keeping to the deep and rough voice of the real Sasori.

"It must be Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi. They had to of battled him if they know about this meeting and can imitate his voice perfectly. What happened to the real Sasori though?"

"What now? I just wanted to give you some thanks. That lovely boy there you sent me...I was able to make quite good use of him. In order for me to develop a new jutsu, I needed to conduct experiments on well over a hundred live human subjects. Thanks to that boy's medical ninjutsu, I was able to use the same test subject any number of times. I have quite a hard time coming across enough test subjects after all."

"Sure he compliments Kabuto on his abilities but where's my thanks? I've done so much for him." I thought as I tried to suppress my jealous feelings.

"Hmm but I guess I don't need him anymore...I already have another skilled medic."

I knew he was talking about me which brought a smile to my face. Finally, some recognition. Just then, Kabuto used his chakra scalpel to destroy the puppet surrounding the imposter revealing a Leaf Ninja I've never seen before. I thought it would be Kakashi but I was wrong but I knew it was Naruto and Sakura hiding. Father sent out many snakes towards the strange man coiling them around him. Just as the snakes started to bite him, he turned into wood.

"This is a substitution using wood style," I heard Father comment which made my eyes widen.

"Wood style...Father did mention something like that when I was little. He said he was unable to complete it due to the Third Hokage. Is this a survivor?"

"Lord Orochimaru, is that the real Sasori?" Kabuto questioned.

"No, are you telling me that you, one of his subordinates, don't even know his real face?"

"Well he was a gloomy individual after all. Always hiding in that puppet of his."

"What are you talking about!?" The man spoke up clutching his wounded arm. "Kabuto, you're supposed to be an Akatsuki spy. You should have been under the effects of Sasori's jutsu."

"Ah yes, that jutsu...Lord Orochimaru freed me from it quite some time ago."

"I wasn't expecting you to change sides, acting as though you were still under the effects of Sasori's jutsu...I suppose this means you fell prey to Orochimaru's jutsu then."

"No, not exactly. All I fell prey to was his magnificent way of thinking." Kabuto replied putting up his arms. "I chose this path myself. But tell me, who are you anyway? We came here with the intention of killing Sasori, so this is quite a mishap."

"Yes, who is this man? And why is he the leader of team 7 now?"

"Kabuto, I'll tell you about this little boy here afterwards. But first things first...why don't you call out those three little mice hiding in the brush?"

With a quick motion of his hand, three shinobi appeared in front of him. Sakura, Naruto, and another boy I've never seen before, probably Sasuke's replacement. I looked at Naruto seeing his enraged face with his jinchuuriki markings showing. I couldn't tell if Naruto had actually gotten stronger or it was the nine tails chakra throwing me off. He must've trained with Jiraiya so he had to of gotten stronger over the years. I was pretty curious to see how my former team improved over the years.

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