After talking with the police for what seemed like hours, I went to the waiting room to see if that girl was still there but she was gone. Maybe she wasn't Imogen.

I made my out the hospital only to see a little boy crying. "Hey bud, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I... I lost my mommy," he said as he let a hiccup of a sob out.

"How about I wait with you until she comes or we can try to find her," I suggested. I knew how he was feeling, heck every kid did when they lost someone in the grocery store.

He wanted to find his mom but told me that he has her phone number in his pocket. What a smart kid.

I took my phone out and called the number. "Hello?" I heard the frantic sound of this woman's voice. She had a silk like voice, it sounded familiar.

"Yes, this is Cristiano Salvatore. I found your son outside of the hospital and he was crying so I decided to help him."

"Oh thank you, are you by the front entrance or back?" I could hear how relaxed the mother was now, knowing her son was safe.

After telling her where to find us, she came and I swore that my heart came leaping out of my body.

It was like I was seeing a glimpse of my past.

"Lily?" I asked. She looked at me and I could see the tears glistening in her eyes.

"Cristiano," she breathlessly said my name. I knew she was holding in her tears. I could see by the way she swallowed every now and then, something I knew she did before in the past.

"Is this my son?" I asked, almost scared of her answer. I knew that when she left me she was pregnant, I spent days, weeks, months looking for her. I stopped working for my dad so that I could find her.

"Y-yeah." The answer I was hoping for. He looked to be about 5 or 6 years old.

I felt my tears running down my face. I hugged her with all my might but I felt her stiffen and try to get out of my grasp.

"Please." The next words she spoke broke my heart. "I don't want you near me or my son."

I broke down as she walked away with our son, leaving me for the second time.


I went walking home instead of calling the driver. My mind going on a frenzy, knowing I saw her again. But this time, she had my son with her. She didn't want me to see him or know him.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Lucas' car following me.

"I'm not getting in the car!" I yelled loud enough for him to hear.

"I know you saw her," he yelled. Another tear slipped from my eye, escaping after I tried keeping them all at bay.

"Get in, we'll go to the boxing place," Lucas yelled after I didn't answer for quite some time. I got into his car and he drove fast to the place. The one place that I went to after she left, the one place where I let my anger and sadness get the best of me.

Out looking the scenery, the familiar places passing by until we came to the deserted area. We could hear the crowds and the loud roaring from outside. I knew that today was much more different than any other day I came to fight, this day I knew that she was somewhere close by and I knew that she had our son whom she wanted me to have no sort of communication with.

I went into the building already knowing the large crowd and the amount of blood I want to extract from someone. I was named the undefeated championship for 5 years in a row.

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