37. Welcome Home

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"Can I feed her?" Larry asked.

Aaliyah didn't mind. She handed him the bottle and sat down in the chair in the corner of the room. Just from the way he was looking at the baby he could tell he had a hint of baby fever just like everyone else in the house. "Do you know when Lau is supposed to get home?" She asked.

"I thought he would be here before me. He leave maybe 10 minutes before because he say he wanted to go to shop."

"Hm, okay. I'll just text him." She grabbed her phone out of her back pocket then started scrolling through it. Just as she was about to text Lau, the front door opened and they could hear Lau singing something terribly. She walked toward Larry and picked up the baby. "I'll take her now. Thanks Bunny."

Larry gave her a quick smile then laid back down. Aaliyah walked into the nursery and walked around patting the baby lightly on the back to burp her. Almost as quick as she started, the baby burped and fell asleep to Aaliyah's gentle humming. After just a few minutes, the baby was asleep. She laid her down in the crib and turned on the webcam baby monitor. She made sure it was connected fully to her phone then she headed downstairs. She found Lau in the kitchen staring blankly into the pantry looking for something to eat.

"What yuh ah looking fah?" Aaliyah said nonchalantly as she walked to the other end of the kitchen.

He walked out of the pantry and closed the door. "I didn't know you can speak like that too."

"Speak like what?" She asked confused, not even realizing she used patois.

Laurent looked at her with his head tilted slightly like a confused dog. "You speak patois?"

"Yes? I thought you knew." She said glancing at her phone to check on the baby.

"You did it right now, that's why I know... NOW."

"Oh my bad. I guess it happens when i'm not focused."

He smiled at her. "So what you focused on then?"

"Nothing. Was just spaced out." She smiled back.

Laurent made a small space between them as he pecked her lips a couple times while he placed his hands on her waist to bring her even closer. Their kiss got deeper and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped her legs around him and picked her up walking toward the stairs all while still kissing passionately. It amazed her at how fast he could get up the stairs while holding her. He laid her on their bed and continued kissing her. Aaliyah removed his shirt and he did hers, which broke the kiss momentarily. Everything was moving so fast, next thing she knew, they were both fully naked and he was inside her.


Aaliyah got up and put on her robe. Laurent watched as she walked out of the door and only wondered where she was going yet never decided to follow her. She walked into the baby's room and saw that she was awake and just staring up at the mobile spinning slowly above her. She looked so fascinated.

"I hope we didn't wake you up." Aaliyah said as she picked up her daughter and placed her on the changing table. She unwrapped the baby and she did such a big stretch that Aaliyah couldn't help but laugh. She grabbed a diaper and wipe and changed her then snapped her onesie back up and picked her up and walked back to her room where Laurent was. "Let's go see daddy."

As she walked in, Laurent was putting on a pair of shorts facing away from her. She sat on the bed against the headboard and placed the baby in between where Laurent was and herself. He walked into the bathroom and didn't even glance at his fiancée. The baby was just looking around the room as she did earlier when Aaliyah had her in there. She was calm and still hadn't cried once since she'd been home. Aaliyah picked up her phone and started snapping aesthetic pictures of the baby up until Laurent walked out of the bathroom.

"Baby I bought you something from when I went shopp-" he stopped abruptly mid sentence. Aaliyah looked up at him confused. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled causing the baby and even Aaliyah to jump.

Next thing you knew, the baby was crying her lungs out. Lau's eyes widened and his shoulders slumped realizing he had scared the baby out of her gaze around the room. Aaliyah immediately picked up the baby and laid her on her chest trying to soothe her again. "Oh no, it's okay baby, mommy is right here. You're okay." She said as she pat her on the back gently after placing the pacifier in her mouth. It didn't take long for her to calm down but Aaliyah still gave the death glare to Laurent for his stupidity. He was still in shock though. Why was his baby home? Why didn't he know? When did she get there in the first place?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare her. Or you... but when did this happen?" He asked. "You never told me anything."

"I just picked her up today. She's been home for a few hours. And nobody knew because it was to be a surprise." Aaliyah answered.

Laurent couldn't help but to stare at his baby so admiringly. He couldn't believe she was finally home. Now he was able to spend all the time he wanted with her and didn't have to abide by some visiting hours bullshit. He was without a doubt ecstatic. "Can I hold her?"

"Are you really asking me if you can hold your own child?"

He shrugged. "Yes, only because 45 seconds ago you looked at me like you wanted to snap my neck." He chuckled. "I had to be safe."

Aaliyah shook her head and laughed at him. He wasn't wrong and that's what made it funny. "Yes, Lau, you can hold her."

Laurent sat down on the bed next to her and Aaliyah placed her into his arms. She was calm again and looking at him in the same way she did when he first saw her a few hours after she was born. He couldn't have been happier. His daughter looking up at him with her beautiful grayish blue eyes and a pacifier in her mouth. She was the cutest baby he had ever seen.

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