34. Gender Of The Babies

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  Vanessa's Pov

It has been two whole months now since everything has happened, and I can never be better.

I am four months pregnant and I am loving it.

Some people don't like the bloating or the weight gain, but I do; More hips, bigger booty, and bigger breast.

Yes there is the bad days like the morning sickness and the constant cravings.

But then there is the constant need of sex, but Blaze has no problem with that at all.

Right now I am modeling my new outfit in the mirror.

"Baby you look so beautiful," Blaze said while coming in the room.

"Thank you baby," I said while kissing him.

"You welcome baby are you ready to go?" he asked excitedly while rubbing on my baby bump.

"Yes I'm ready," I said with a smile on my face.

Today we get to find out the sex of the babies and I can't wait.

No I'm not having twins, were going to pick up Aaron and head to the hospital to check on his baby to.

We got in the car and headed to Aaron's house.

Finally  getting to his house Blaze honked the horn and I yelled out the window.

"Hurry your slow ass up," he came out, locked the door and got in the car.

"Don't be yelling at me woman," he said while pushing my head.

Blaze laughed at us and pulled off to the hospital.

Finally getting to the hospital we got out the car and walked in to sign in.

"Hey my name is Aaron and I'm coming to check on my baby," he spoke.

"Oh Aaron rider yes the room is 511 go right ahead," she said.

Aaron was about to walk away but he turned back around and walked right to the front desk to speak to the woman.

I was trying to be nosey but my named got called.

"That's what you get," Blaze said while laughing at me for trying to get in Aaron business.

When we got to the room everything was set up, all I had to do was change into the gown.

Pausing I looked at the mirror to see a faded bullet wound scar.

Thank you Lord for saving me and my baby.

I finished changing and came to lau down on the table, and Dr. Harrison spoke.

"Okay Vanessa this is going to be a little cold," he said while putting the oil on my belly.

A shiver went through my body and Blaze grabbed my hand.

Dr. Harrison moved the wand around on my stomach and we all looked at the screen.

"I'm Dr. Harrison why does my baby have three legs?" Blaze asked.

"Um no that's his wee wee Blaze were having a boy," I said while tears came down my face.

"Oh," he said while starting at the screen.

The doctor laughed and wiped the gel off my stomach.

"I'm going to get your picture I'll be right back," he said.

When he left I got dressed again.

"I can't believe were having a boy," Blaze said while smiling.

Dr. Harrison came back with the pictures and we went to 511 to see Aaron.

We walked in to see Aaron crying.

He turned to us and spoke.

"I know you guys are probably tired of seeing me cr-," I cut him off with a hug.

"Aaron men cry to so it's okay," I said and Blaze nodded and gave his brother a bro hug.

"Guys I'm having a girl," he said with a smile and we looked to were he was staring.

"Omg wow," I said while looking at his baby girl, you can actually see his baby moving and everything.

We stayed there for about two more hours and we left to have lunch.

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