14. Family Outing

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   Blaze's Pov

After we finished eating I drove us back to the house, because I wanted to have a family outing but only with my mom and dad, and Vanessa and I.

If I invited the other two then you know there would be a never ending drama.

"Hey Blaze you okay, you kind of zoned out on me just now," I heard Vanessa say to me worriedly.

"Yes I'm fine babe there is nothing to worry about," I told her and pulled up ino the driveway.

"Now go get dressed in something sexy and meet me downstairs," I said to her and it looked like she was about to protest, but I gave her one of them looks.

Vanessa huffed and rolled her eyes at me and all I can do was laugh.

I helped her get out the car and we went to tell my parents to get dressed up.

"Ma, dad go and get dressed were all going out tonight," I said and my mom squealed.

She ran to go get dressed and my dad just shook his head and laughed, he turned around and left to go get dressed.

"Okay Vanessa go get dressed babe," and before she could say something I turned and left her standing there.
  April's Pov

"Ahhh Aaron," I yelled out his name in pleasure.

Aaron was good at sex, but his brother was so much better.

He got off me and walked into the bathroom without a word.

"SHIT," I heard him yell so I got up to see what happened.

"Why are you yelling," I asked him and he looked at me with mixed emotions on his face

"I didn't use a fucking condom," when he said that my whole body froze up, but then a idea suddenly popped in my head and I have a feeling that this is going to work out great.

"It's okay, If I am pregnant I can lure Blaze into a room and drug him to make him want me, and later I tell him that the child is his," I told him and he looked at me and nodded his head slowly.

"Yeah and I can finally get to Vanessa sexy ass," he said with a smirk.

"Really right after you have sex with me, You talk about that black bitch," I screamed at him.

He just looked at me with a smile on his face and shrugged his shoulders and licked his lips.

"Ughhh that bitch is going to get hers," I said and walked off mad.

I hope I am pregnant so that I can see her face drop when I tell her it's Balze's baby.

"Vanessa, Vanessa, Vanessa see you soon," I said while smiling.

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