10. 1st Plan Fail

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I sat in the truck and had a talk with the lord.

"Lord please give me some understanding of this man before I have to beat his ass I mean butt in the name of jesus amen," I said and got out the truck to follow him.

Lord give me strength!
  Vanessa's Pov

After I sat in the truck I inhaled and exhaled a big breath and got out the truck to find him.

I looked around this big ass store for like ten minutes and I couldn't find him at all.

"I know this fool didn't leave me at this store by myself, I promise I'm gone beat his ass," I said out loud to myself and people looked at me crazy so I gave them the same look back.

Walking outside I seen the truck was still outside so he was still here.

"At least he didn't leave me here," I said to myself again.

I was about to wake back in the store when someone grab me from behind and covered my mouth.

Like what the hell I don't know where their hands been, but I bit their hand and elbowed the person in the stomach.

"Shit," they yelled out loud and I recognized the voice and I was hoping it wasn't who it was.

I turned around slowly and of course it was Aaron ugly ass.

"What is your problem dude," I said and punched him in his nose once again.

He fell to the ground holding his nose while screaming in pain.

I was about to walk back in the store but I ran into a brick wall, well I thought I did.

"What the fuck why would you do that Vanessa?" he yelled at me while going to help up his brother.

"Oh for real Blaze after I told you what happened yesterday?" I said calmly.

I nodded and got in the truck so that can make him to come on because I was pissed off and ready to go.
  Aaron's Pov

After I seen them leave to go to the store I got in my car to go follow them.

I got to the store and seen Vanessa come out the store by herself.

That happened to me more than once, every time I went to the store with Blaze he would walk all fast and you wouldn't be able to find him until he got out the store.

I would always think he left me at the store by myself.

But here is little miss clueless walking back in, but before she could I got out the car and grabbed her from behind with my hand over her mouth.

I thought I had her but she bit my hand and elbowed me in the stomach hard.

"Shit," I yelled out loud in pain because she hits hard.

She turned around slowly and looked at me with a look of hate.

"What is your problem dude," she said and punched me in the nose once again.

I fell to the ground holding my nose while screaming in pain.

She was about to walk back in the store but she ran into Blaze.

"What the fuck why would you do that Vanessa?" he yelled at her while coming to help me up.

"Oh for real Blaze after I told you what happened yesterday?" she said calmly to him.

So she told him what happened but he coming to help me up.

She nodded and went to get in the truck.

"go home," he simply said and left.

My 1st plan failed but I have another to work on!

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