4. Challenge

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Blaze's Pov

Right after dinner I was stuffed, and needed some air so I decided to take a walk since I finished all of my chores with the animals.

I loved walking right when it was becoming dark because of all the colors, and it makes me seem free from the world.

Wow I sound like a girl, but I'm far from being a girl.

I was looking at the sky not paying attention when I ran straight into something.

Looking down I saw that it was Vanessa, me being a gentleman I helped her up.

"Thank you," she said while dusting off her butt, and let me tell you she had a lot of it so that I can grab on to it.

Wait what the hell am I saying!

I shook my head and stepped away from her.

"You welcome," I grunted and started to walk away from her but what she said stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Will you like to race me on a horse?" she asked me while folding her arms across her breast with a smirk on her face.

I looked her up and down to see that she had on some type of stretchy pants under her dress.

"Okay but if I win you have to leave me alone," I said sternly but not really meaning it.

"Fine but if I win you have to tell me why you are so mean, cold, and bitter to me when I have just met you," she said with a scowl on her face and it made her look really cute.

"Fine but be prepared to leave me alone," I said while turning to walk away.

I heard foot steps behind me so I knew that she was following me to the stables.

We finally got to the stables and she ran to 'Midnight' who was a shiny black horse that let no one ride him.

But what shocked me is when she went over to the stall and he came right to her.

I cleared my throat and showed her where everything was, and to my surprise she knew how to hook up everything.

We got outside, go on the horses, and I showed her where we were going to go.

"One," she said while looking at me with a smirk and I just laughed because I knew I was going to win this.

"Two," I just shook my head and got ready.

"Three," and we were off I was ahead but she was quickly gaining speed.

We were on our way back coming in neck to neck.

She did this whistle thing and it made Midnight go right over the finish line and she won the race.


We walked the horses to the stall got them settled in, and walked to the house.

"Sooo why are you so mean?" she asked me.


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