2. What?

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"Hi my name is Van-," he cut me off and started talking to me.

"Great another city girl," he said and I stepped back and started thinking.

This tall sexy man must be out his damn mind talking to me like that!
Vanessa's Pov

I looked at him like he was absolutely crazy because....

1. He cut me off from finishing my very important sentence.

2. He judged me based on how I was dressed and basically where I come from.

"Okay um whoever you are you can't just go judging people, so could you please get out of my face," I said while walking around him to get to my trunk so that I can get my stuff out.

I had two suitcases in my hands while struggling to pull them over the dirt and rocks up to the house I would be staying in for two months.

A woman who looked to be in her mid-forties came out the house with a confused look right on her face.

So I decided to speak to her so she wouldn't be so confused.

"Hi I'm Vanessa Williams," I said and she smiled brightly I guess realizing who I finally am.

"Oh you're the young lady who will be staying with us for two months," she said while looking to her left to look at the man I was speaking to earlier.

"Blaze I didn't raise you like this, so why didn't you help this young lady bring her bags into the house, I raised you better than that," she said while going to him to slap him up side the head.

It was really funny because he towers over her big time.

"Mama i'm sorry," he said with an angry glare at me since I laughed right in his face.

He or should I say Blaze grabbed my bags, and we made our way to my room that I would be staying in for my wonderful vacation.

Blaze dropped my bags right on the floor and he lucky I didn't pack no glass, and simply walked out the room.

"Sorry about him darlin' he just been upset for awhile, and I honestly don't know why," she said while looking at the door sadly as he walked away.

We talked a little bit more, and after I took a shower, got out, and got dressed, I decided to take a nap until dinner tonight.

Cold-Hearted Cowboy (Completed) (#Wattys2020) (Bwwm)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora