Chapter Twenty One: My Roommates in Action

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Piper: Tyson, do you know who the author of Percy Jackson and the heroes of Olympus?

Tyson: Peanut Butter!

Piper: ...No...I don't think that's it...

Ella: Heroes of Olympus. Percy Jackson. Rick Riordan, author.

Leo: Ella, please stop that freaky rapid response spit-fire thing. It creeps me out.

Jason: I thought it was artchick97?

Percy: She's the author of Juno's Warning.

Jason: Oh. Okay.

Idk. I was bored.


The first thing I did after leaving Percy's apartment is make call.

Five minutes later, my room mates arrived at the cafe on 79th street. Well, I arrived there--they were waiting for me.

Julia and Sabrina had claimed the furthermost table, the one all the way in the back that had a great view of the entire place. They were sitting relaxed, but vigilant, like any good demigod. When the spotted me, they both grinned.

"Hey, Annabeth," Sabrina greeted me as I pulled a chair to the table. Sabrina looked tired, but ready for our quest. She wore sturdy blue jeans, though I bet they were designer, with black lace-up boots and a white wool jacket. Her glossy dark hair was still in the braids, but were gathered in a voluminous bun on top of her head. She was still pretty, but there were tired lines beneath her eyes, more than before--but healthy. I know how stressing finding out you're a demigod can be.

I smiled at them. "Thanks for coming, guys. How was your break so far? Any monsters attack you? Any messages from the gods?"

Julia snorted. She also was dressed for travel, with black-acid wash jeans, leather jacket, and combat boots. Her red hair was pulled back in a choppy ponytail, and her usual black liner rimmed her sapphire blue eyes. "I wouldn't say that, but it was definitely exciting. Shane and I--"

"Oooohhh, how is he, Julia?" Sabrina's attention was all on that now. "Have you two, um, worked everything out?" She grinned mischeiviously.

Julia rolled her eyes, but she was blushing. "He's good. And, um, yeah...we worked it out." She blushed and became very interested in a dried coffee stain on the table.

"So...are you, like, together? Or..." I questioned.

Julia wrinkled her nose. "No. I mean, yes," She huffed. "Well, I don't know. We, well, we...kissed, but...I don't know."

I smiled wryly. "It'll work out. I'd say? You both know you're supposed to be together, but it's not official."

Julia nodded. "That's what it seems like." She scowled. "Why is love so confusing?" She looked at Sabrina meaningfully.

Sabrina shrugged. "I'm with you there, girl. I'm just as confused with you on that. What can I say? We're teenage girls. Love is hard. Ask my mother about it, why don't you?"

I snorted. "Doubt she would tell us. And us being demigods just makes it that much worse."

We sat there for a moment, silent, thinking about our piteous love lives. A minute later, I broke the quiet. "Okay, so I called you here for your help. I'm bringing you guys on a quest."

"What's a quest?" Julia asked.

" A quest is led by a demigod and can have two accomplices. We usually have a prophecy that foretells the quest, but I didn't get one this time."

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Juno's WarningWhere stories live. Discover now