Chapter Twelve: The Warning

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Poseidon: Who owns Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus?

Athena: It's Rick Riordan, Big Barnacle. He wrote them.

Poseidon: Oh. I thought it was artchick97.

Athena: No, it's not. Mr. Riordan wrote those lovely books. Very well written.

Poseidon: Alright. Good to know.

Athena: Kelp Head.

Athena-Poseidon. Nothing like Percabeth. :)


By the time I finally fell asleep that night, I had worn myself out with worry.

The entire camp had searched for Percy the entire day. He had just disappeared.

I contacted Thalia, Nico, Tyson and Grover. We now have the Hunters of Artemis, a son of Hades, a select group of cyclopes, and nature spirits looking for him. The search parties we have sound pretty impressive. Finding a demigod with an aura larger than Texas should've been easy as calling Aphrodite pretty. But it was impossible.

I had tried to find any clue as to where he went, and there was nothing. No myths of a hero getting kidnapped without any evidence. No give aways in the Poseidon cabin as to who took him. No confessions, no helpful hints, not even a single trace of Percy.

One of the only things that kept me together was the fact that he wasn't dead yet. Nico told me he would IM me immediately if he senses something.

I hadn't slept in twenty-four hours. I was too stressed out. I had torn through every Greek Myths book, every map, every scroll, anything I could think of that might help me find Percy.

Besides that, I was able to talk to Sabrina and Julia. Sabrina went back into the city that morning, and I couldn't blame her, with Drew and all. Julia is staying another few days, probably to be with Shane. Everyone else at camp is sitting on the edge of their seats, tense. Everyone was affected by this, but I was definitely hurt the most. The campers now regarded me as their leader, and thankfully I had a good poker face (don't ask). I knew I had to stop the extensive investigation, but I kept thinking, it could be this...this could be the answer...if I just check...

I remained unusually cool, just extremely worried. I didn't cry, sob, or show any real emotion.

At 9:56 P.M., I gave up on my research and went to the lake. I sat on the dock and looked at the stars. I heard the watre rippling, but i didn't care to say hi.

I burst into tears.

All the pain, all the loss, all the love just broke me like a dam, the force much too big for me.

I thought about every single moment with him. I remembered when he first stumbled into camp, our first summer we met...

I came running to the sound of a fight. I flung open the door, and on the grass was a bulky figure. I realized it was actually two people. I could make out Grover's curly head, slumped against the other boy.

"Help." was all he said, then he passed out.

I looked down at his hand. In it, was a horn. i picked it up, examining it. The bumps, the rings of it, the was the horn of the Minotaur.


I looked at him. he was smarter than I realized, and much less of  an idiot than I first thought. He was loyal. He'd be a good friend.


If you told me then that he'd be such an important preson to me the way he is now, I would have claimed you were crazy and put you in an asylum. I honestly would have.

But look at us now.

I felt sad, depressed, alone, angry. Confused. Hollow.

I cried until I was out of tears. I then walked back to my cabin. I quietly climbed into my bunk, disturbing no one. I somehow drifted off to sleep, but I suspected some godly power was at work.

For the first time in a while, I talked to a goddess.

When the mist parted I was hoping for Athena. Instead, my least favorite god stepped out.

"Hera." I snarled, fists clenching.

She was dressed differently. Her long, dark hair was plaited to her waist. She wore blue silk robes, with a type of breastplate. A mantle, that was it. Over her shoulders, she wore a cloak of some animal hide. Her mouth was pursed in a tight line, unemotional, but her eyes displayed resentment and disgust.

The feeling's mutual.

Hera frowned. "You may call me that, although I prefer not."

"Well, what am I supposed to call you? Your High Peacockness? Your Immortal Majesty?"

She sneered. "Hold your tongue, daughter of Athena. I have not come here to be insulted by your disrespect."

"Then what are you doing here? Isn't Olympus closed?"

She now looked rather worried. "I have a message for you. A clue for your recent problem."

"You mean you know where Percy is? You--"

"Don't talk like that to me, you insufferable demigod! I am doing you a favor. You should be grateful." That's the Hera we all know and...well, not love. More like cannot stand.

I sighed, impatient. "Fine. Where's Percy?"

"That, I cannot tell you. But I can tell you, a clue. Go to the Grand Canyon. There is a demigod with one shoe. He is your answer to what happened to the son of Poseidon you so care for."

My fists clenched. "He took Percy? He knows where he is?"

Hera sighed. "I cannot fathom my reasons for speaking to you. Of alll demigods, you are the key to the first task. Only you have the ability to find it."

I stared at her. I don't think she was talking about finding Percy. "What task? What can I find?"

The goddess shook her head. "Unimportant at the moment. When it matters, you will know what I am talking about. But for now, no."

My entire body was shaking with anger. "You still haven't answered my question. Did the boy with the one shoe kidnap Percy?"

Beforee she could answer, the entire scene flashed. I was momentarily blinded, then saw Hera looking even more agonized. "My husband has sensed this. I must go."

"Hera, you better--"

"Silence, Annabeth." That must've been the first time I heard her use my real name instead of an insult. "Before I go, be warned. Don't let your logic rule you. The smartest are not always those who listen to their minds over their heart."

I din;t have time to ponder her last thought. I awoke immediately and scrambled out of my bunk, not caring who I disturbed, and sprinted to the Big House. I ran to the bedroom  where Chiron slept and banged open the door. He woke instantly.

I gasped for air, anxiety running through my viens. "I think I know where Percy is."


Chapter 12! I was so determined to get this up today. Yayyyyy!!!!  I hope you like it. And if you didn't catch it, Juno's 'warning' is here. I'm still going to continue with this to, like the Argo II landing at Camp Jupiter, don't worry. I still have a ways to go. I hope you like it!


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