Chapter Nineteen: Their Departure

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Juniper: Whose the author of PJatO and HoO?

Grover: Enchiladas!

Juniper: No, you silly goat! It's Rick Riordan!

Grover: Oh, yeah. Can we get enchiladas?

Juniper: *sighs* Yeah, why not?

Grover: Yay!

Awww, cute couple! I love GroverxJuniper. Adorable!


The light was eerie and misty with the morning fog rolling in, but it was enough for me to see the cabin. Everyone else was asleep.

I woke up a bit earlier than usual, so I could review what had happened last night at the campfire. I was too tired to think about it when I went to bed, so I decided to ponder it now.

First thing, Piper. I was very surprised by her mother--Aphrodite. out of all the goddesses at camp, Aphrodite was Piper's mother?

I couldn't wrap my head around it. I kept trying to figure out why I hadn't realized it sooner--and it was Piper herself.

Looking back, her power was charmspeak. Only given to children of Aphrodite. Very hard to resist, and very hard to use. And by the looks of it, Piper's charmspeak was already strong--and it'll only get even stronger.

And she was pretty. I hadn't noticed right away because she did her best to hide it. She didn't draw much attention herself, and kept it that way.

But Piper wasn't at all like Aphrodite. She wasn't like her siblings. She didn't care for her hair, her skin, her clothes. she wasn't shallow like most of them--and she definitely is not like Drew.

I felt bad for her. With Drew as head counselour, Piper is going to have her own personal Underworld right there in her own cabin.

I also kind of wished she would stand up to Drew--she isn't the typical Aphrodite girl; she had the potential to challenge her and become head counselour.

I turned my thoughts elsewhere: Chiron.

I didn't like his attitude. He wasn't telling me anything. He usually would confide in me, tell me the worst outcomes, the most gruesome details, all the way down to the blade point.

But now, he didn't even give me a clue. He left me in the dark on this. What could be so bad, so evil, so distubing, that he couldn't even tell me, the most trusted demigod at the camp?

Most of you wouldn't want to get into that. You would happily leave it untold, not wanting to know how horrible the fate of the world might be. You wouldn't want to know every single gory detail.

But I did. I wanted to know every option, every outcome, every single detail. I wanted to know every fact possible and make sure it doesn't come to that. it's just how I work.

I'll have to talk to Chiron. and he'll have to talk back.

But those problems could wait. i had one more: Jason.

Jason had an interesting story. Hades, he doesn't even have a story. He woke up yesterday morning with out  a trace of his past, except the way he works--the tattoo on his arm, the prophecy in Latin, the Roman forms of gods--they're the only clues we have about who he is. I tried to work out Jason from what we had.

Well, he's the son of Zeus, or Jupiter. He prefers Roman to Greek, can speak Latin, has a gold coin that turns into a sword/spear, and knows about the gods and Olympus. He learned about the gods and Latin from some place. He got the tattoos from some place. He got his coin from somewhere. But he has never been at Camp Half Blood. So where did he come from?

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