Chapter Eighteen: The Quest

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 Um...I can't think of any clever discalimers, so I'll just say it like this:



I walked Jason through the green, showing him the cabins. I steered clear of Hera's cabin, and Jason seemed okay with that.

"We first had the twelve Olympian gods, but then we added the minor god cabins last summer. The male gods are on the left, female on the right, like the thrones on Olympus are set up."

"Why didn't the minor gods have cabins before the summer?"

"Well, you see, the Titans, the generation before the Olympians, tried to take over the world again. The leader--"

"Saturn?" Jason looked like he knew what happened.

"Um, he the lord of time and the Titans?"


"Then, yes. He led the attack on Olympus, and the campers here defended Manhattan."


"The entrance to Olympus is in the Empire State Building."

He nodded slowly. I don't think he knew that.

I looked at him again. He looked like, well, a demigod--one who battled monsters his entire life and has seen the end of the world, and survived. One who has been to the edge of death and back--and knows that he'll visit for good soon.

I've never seen him at camp.  I knew that much. Wherevever he came from, it wasn't Camp Half Blood. It was possible he had been on his own, fought off the monsters and survived on the streets, beaten all odds. But I had a feeling that wasn't the case. He had his memory erased for a reason--and whatever that reason is, it's dangerous.

Just then, the conch horn blew. Dinnertime. I hadn't realized how late it had gotten.

"The dinner horn," I explained to him. "It's time for supper."

I started heading over to the mess hall, Jason following step. I turned back to him as we walked. "The Mess Hall is where the campers eat meals." I told him. "The tables are for each cabin. There are a total of twenty cabins as of now, so there are twenty tables."

"Where should I eat?" he asked.

"You can eat with whoever you want." I replied. "Normally, you couldn't sit anywhere else than your cabin table, but since you aren't claimed yet, you don't have a cabin. So you can chose to sit at any table."

Jason nodded. he looked a bit wary and self-conscious.

The campers started to gather by their tables and hustled around to get their seats. I spotted Leo at the Hephaestus table, and nodded at him. "There's Leo, if you want to sit with him."

Jason looked at me again, and said, "Thanks. For...everything."

Until then, I didn't realize how this experience had affected him so much. It must've been a lot to deal with waking up and finding two people you don't know claim they were your best friend and girlfriend, then get brought to a place saying they're the children of the Greek Gods. Not the best amnesia treatment.

I smiled warmly at him. "No problem. If anything you need, just ask."

He seemed relieved with that, and disappeared in the crowd.

We all ate dinner, and Chiron came out halfway through it. He looked tired and old, sags under his eyes and a light that had disappeared in his eyes. He didn't look at me, even though I was virtually willing him to do so. He kept his eyes on his plate the entire time.

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