Chapter One: New York

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Percy was waiting for me at the front gates.

He was leaning against a column by the taxi stand, his green eyes darting around for signs of danger. I couldn't help but notice how regal and powerful he looked, even without armor, without weapons. He had an aura of power surrounding him, a vague sense of dominance and strength.

Percy looked my way, and a grin lit up his face, all signs of worry or concern instantly vanished. He strode forward, his muscles pushing slightly against his green T-shirt as he moved. I stepped forward to meet him, and he swept an arm around my waist and one at my back, and kissed me. I wrapped my arm around his neck, the other holding his back. I felt adrenaline pulse through me, the sheer feeling of knowing it was right vibrating through my brain. He pulled back too soon, but it was probably the right choice since we were standing in the middle of the airport sidewalk.

He grinned. "How was the flight? Frightening? Scary?"

I laughed. "Only you are scared of flying, Percy. It wasn't that bad. No monsters, thankfully."

"That's good. I've had enough of monsters for a lifetime, thank you very much."

I laughed, still holding onto him. "So am I. Is your mom here?"

"Yeah. She's at the car." He blushed, then lowered his voice. "She, uh, knows we're dating, by the way."

My turn to flush. "Yeah, my dad knows, too. Apparently they keep in touch."

Percy chuckled, letting go of me and picking up my backpack. "Should've known that would happen. C'mon, lets get to my apartment."

"Yeah." I agreed. I picked up the handle of my rolling bag and grabbed Percy's hand, which he squeezed and led me to the car.

"Annabeth, how nice it is to see you again. How was your flight?" Sally Jackson grinned warmly from the passenger seat of the car.

I smiled at her. "Nice to see you too, Ms. Jackson. It was fine, thank you." I ducked in the window, seeing Paul Blofis in the driver's seat. "Hi, Mr. Blofis. How're you?"

"I'm good, Annabeth. Percy has been anxious to see you." he grinned, and I blushed alongside Percy.

"I'll put your things in the back, Annabeth. I'll take your bag." Percy took the handle from my hand, brushing my fingers as he did so, and popped the trunk and dropped my bags in it.

 I couldn't help but watch how hot he looked, even while putting away bags. He straightened up and smiled at me, his beautiful sea green eyes sparkling. I somehow managed to smile back, which must've been really impish and embarrassing. I drew my gaze from his perfect features and opened the car door and slipped inside.

He slipped in the opposite door, and before I knew what I was doing I slid into the middle seat next to Percy and rested my head on his shoulder. On instinct, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

Only when Percy's warm arm was draped across my shoulders did I realize I was freezing, and I shivered.

Percy noticed. "You cold?" He asked.

I grinned. "A little. I didn't think to wear one. I forgot New York is colder than San Francisco."

He retracted his arm from my shoulders and pulled his black hoodie from his arms. "Here," He handed the jacket to me.

"Thanks," I put it on and inhaled the scent-- just like Percy's--of sea salt and sand. I lean back on his shoulder and watched the familiar skyline get closer, drifting to sleep in Percy's arms.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Juno's WarningDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora