Chapter Two: Typical Morning

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Three weeks later

My alarm clock buzzed.

I groaned.

"Annabeth, the alarm!" Julia's muffled order rose from the bed next to mine.

"You get it." I moaned.

"I'll get it." Sabrina's bright and cheery voice didn't match the demeanor of mine or Julia's. She bounced over to the clock and clicked it off.

Suddenly Sabrina"s face was inches from mine.

"Morning, sleeping beauty."

I slapped her across the face, but she was expecting that. Sabrina disappeared before my hand reached her cheek.

I heard Julia cry out as Sabrina attacked her. "Get off me, or I'll--"

Sabrina laughed. "If you do that you'll be screwed along with me. Now get up. Breakfast is in fifteen minutes. C'mon!"

I sat up, yawned, and stretched. The morning sun poured through the open window, filling the room with golden light, crisp early fall air, and the sounds of New York City waking up.

Julia was still coccooned in the covers, Sabrina shaking her onto the floor.

"Sabrina, I swear, stop trying to get me up or I'll kill you."

Sabrina shook back her dark braided hair, her coffee colored skin tinged gold with sunlight as she laughed."You'd have to get up to do that." She teased. For some reason Sabrina is a morning bird. I don't think Julia or I understand why she is. She's African American, with a petite figure but strength that doesn't fit her physical appearance.

Julia, on the other hand, was Russian, with dark red hair and sapphire blue eyes. She was of medium height and a little fuller and curvier than Sabrina or me. She was rather grumpy in the morning, but her sarcastic and you-mess-with-me-you'll-get-it attitude made up for it.

I sighed, then climbed out of bed as my two room mates kept bickering over wake up times. I slipped my hand into my backpack, bringing out a gold drachma. I closed the bathroom door and locked it. I turned the bathroom faucet on hot, steam rising from the sink. The flourescent lights caused the steam to flicker with a slight rainbow, twirling up to the ceiling. Before I tossed the coin into the mist, I checked my reflection in the mirror.

I wasn't beautiful, but I wasn't ugly either. I was tall, which I thought was my best feature. My curly blonde hair was a monster of its own, something that kept returning to me from Tartarus even if I defeated it thousands of times. My gray eyes didn't do much either than keep me nearly colorless, no stand out feature that really gave me anything. I was thin, and muscular from training and fighting, but I didn't think I was hot or anything. I could wear make-up and do my hair in the morning, but that's just time consuming. I have better things to do, like making sure I'm not being hounded by monsters every time I walk around the corner.

 I sighed, then flipped the coin into the rainbow, saying as I did so, "Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, show me Percy Jackson, Upper East Side, Manhattan."

The steam shimmered, and Percy's room came to focus. Percy had his back to me, buttoning his pants-- no shirt. Not as embarrassing as the first time, trust me. I waited until his shirt was buttoned-- I know, a little weird of me, but what if I didn't have my shirt on? Still awkward.-- and I called, "Percy!"

He turned around with a start, then, seeing who it was, he relaxed and smiled. "Oh, Annabeth, it's you."

I sighed as I grinned back. "Yeah. Morning."

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