Chapter Five: Camp

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Sorry guys, had writers block.

It was really frustrating.

Just a shout out to Laura7030 for being the first official reader of the story!

So thanks to her

Riordan owns Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus...but I wish I did. Meh.


 Me and Percy walked into Camp Half Blood exactly thirty minutes later. Thalia's pine was still standing strong, Peleus coiled around it with the Golden Fleece hanging on a branch. I walked up to him and scratched his chin, steam issuing from his nostrils in delight. I grinned. "Hey, Peleus."

Percy smiled and reached out to pet Peleus. "Hi, Peleus." The dragon growled at him, steam hissing in a dangerous way. Percy jerked back his arm, knowing a warning when he sees one. "Nevermind."

I laughed, and kissed his cheek. He's so cute when he does stupid things. He smiled sideways at me, then took my hand. "Let's go."

We kept walking into camp, passing the volleyball court, the Big House, to the cabins with our stuff for the weekend. We saw the Stoll brothers mischeiviously slipping behind the bathrooms. I decided to not use them for now. We saw Pollux working with the satyrs in the strawberry fields, Katie Gardner riding a pegasus, and Jake Mason talking to Nyssa.

Dozens of campers from the new cabins we built over the summer were milling around, and I saw Jade Pinkett from the Iris cabin canoeing, Tori Brennan from the Nike cabin heading toward the climbing wall, and Sean Nightlocke from the Nyx cabin was coming from the arena. We waved at the campers, both new and old.

"This place is so crowded now. You should start thinking of ways to fit all of the new campers" Percy told me  mock-informatively.

I smiled. "Thanks for letting me know. Why don't you help with that?"

Percy chuckled. "Yes, because I'm such a good architect."

I rolled my eyes and focused on the satyrs. "Do you think Grover is here? Maybe he's over there?" I said, but only half-heartedly. Grover was now on the Council of Cloven Elders and travels around the world trying to help the nature spirits preserve the wildlife there. It was highly doubtful he was here.

Percy sighed. "I don't think so. it'd be nice to see him, though."

"Yeah, it would. We can Iris-message him later, how about?"

Percy brightened. "That'll be good." He stopped and glanced to his right. "There's your cabin. See you in a bit."

"Alright. I'll come to your cabin when I'm done unpacking." I smiled at him as he kissed my cheek, watching him loop over the green into his cabin. At the door, he looked back at me and grinned. I sighed happily and entered my cabin.

The Athena cabin was as crowded with bookcases, drawing tables, and our latest addition of a SMART board, reinforced with bronze, as always. My brothers and sisters milled around the work area, and they looked up when I came in.

Malcom grinned at me. "Hey, Annabeth! What's up?"

 I smiled back. "Hey, Malcom. I'm good. Hey guys."

Holly, a girl not older than ten who joined this fall, said, "How's your school going? You visiting for the weekend?"

"My school's okay. And yeah, I'm staying for the weekend."

She smiled. "Is Percy staying the weekend, too?"

I grinned to myself. My relationship with Percy wasn't classified information, and it was obvious to someone as stupid as Ares. It was a hot topic at camp, and we were like the it couple, because, well, Silena Beauregard and Beckendorf were both in Elysium.

I responded, "Yeah, he is."

A muffle giggle rose up around the room.

"Oh, go back to your nerd work." I snapped jokingly. Hey, it's true. Athena's children are nerds. i quickly unpacked my bag and headed over to Poseidon's cabin. Percy was unpacking inside, and perked up when he saw me.

"Hold on a sec, Annabeth. I'm almost done." He told me, and then ducked inside. He came out and closed the door to his cabin, looping a hand through mine. "Let's go talk to Chiron now." 

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Juno's WarningWhere stories live. Discover now