Prologue: The Airport

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing percy jackson, heroes of olympus, or anything!

Annabeth's point of view


My life isn't always the best.

Whenever I think something is over and is completely over, it comes back to bite me in the butt. I never did anything that deserves what I've gone through, but possibly I had a bad past life but still gained Elysium, and now I'm trying to get to the Isle of the Blessed. If that happened, I must have been stupid in the past life. I mean, who would want my life?

Alright, alright, I do have a pretty cool part time job, a superhot amazing boyfriend, and a badass bronze knife. But the rest-- dyslexia, ADHD, fighting monsters and enemies eternally, moving from school to school constantly-- that sucks, and occassionally hurts like Hades.

Here's my story.

It was early September when I officially moved into the East 34th Boarding School Academy for Girls. I flew in from San Fransisco with my stuff packed from my house there.

My father drove me to the airport and helpled me unload.

"Dad, I'm perfectly fine of going to the terminal alone. I've done much harder things than boarding a plane."

He smiled, his brown eyes twinkling with affectionate humor. "I know, sweetheart, I just want you to be safe." His eyes flicked to my right arm, which was still a little tender from the dagger I took back in August. The skin was regrowing in a faint scar curving down my arm.

"Dad, I'll be fine. I've got everything I need, my clothes, books, drafting paper, sketches, camp things..."

"Including yoour knife?" He inquired. "How will you get that through security?"

"The Mist, remember? It'll pass off as...something." I smiled at him.

He grinned back. "Well, I guess I have nothing to worry about," His smile turned mischeivious. "Percy will be waiting for you at the airport in New York. I bet he can't wait."

I blushed. "Oh, really?"

He chuckled. "Why wouldn't he, Annabeth? You two are dating, right?'

I nodded my cheeks warm. I focused on how my father's shirt wasn't buttoned properly.

He laughed, louder this time. " Took you two long enough. You know, I am posted of my daughter's activities once in a while. I have exchanges with Sally Jackson."

I looked up, surprised. "How?"

His hand slipped to his pocket, where he pulled out a small gold coin: A drachma. "I have my ways." He hugged me and kissed the top of my hair. "Take care, honey. I love you, Annabeth."

"You too, Dad. See you in a month."

I hefted my backpack onto my shoulders and rolled my bag behind me, falling into step with the constant flow of commuters. I went through security without any problems, the bronze knife going undetected.

When I passed the first terminal, I spotted three teenagers waiting for their flight. It's a rather common scene to see, but I felt like it was important.

 All three of them were wearing purple shirts under light windbreakers, with jeans and sneakers. A sixteen year old boy was talking in private conversation, his head bent near a girl of the same age. The boy had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and an athletic build.

The girl he was speaking to had pale skin, long wavy dark hair, and piercing eyes. She looked slightly familiar. The third was snoring away, his curly black hair splayed around a pugdy face with what looked like red Kool aid on his mouth. When I passed close to them, the two conversing looked up, their eyes trained on me, as if sensing danger. I stared back, keeping a cold, calm guise untill I rounded the corner and got out of sight.

I thought, Now that was really...weird.

I contemplated the scene as I boarded the airplane, and when I was in my seat in the plane. I knew it was important and dangerous at the same time. I wanted to ponder more about it, but now wasn't the time.

 I''m going to see Percy.

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