Chapter Seven: Olympus Closed

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Two months later:

It was the first weekend in December, and I was just with Percy walking to the Empire State Building. We decided to visit Olympus first, and I was rather excited because I was ahead of schedule with the plans for Olympus, and I even had time to add a salad bar to the blueprints. I was tossing the idea of a hot tub around too.

Percy and I were weaving in and out of the crowds on the sidewalk, holding hands so we didn't get seperated. The weather was pretty hrash, with strong winds and overcast skies. Both of us were wrapped up in our winter coats, but the wind went right through the Northface fleecy jacket. We shouldered our way through the doors to the Empire State Building and made our way to where the front desk was, and I noticed it wasn't Ted, the guy who gave out the keys for access to Olympus. I wondered if the new guard knew about the 600th floor or not.

I squeezed Percy's arm and pulled him to the side. "That's not the security guard. That's someone new."

Percy frowned. "Maybe he quit or something."

I knew that wasn't it. I shook my head. "No, Ted has been around for decades. And we would've been notified. I don't think that new guy knows about Olympus."

"How can you tell?"

"He seems...well, like a mortal guy. Let's ask him anyway."

Percy reluctantly followed, and I asked the guard, "Excuse me, sir, do you have the keys to the top floor?" I watched his reaction carefully.

The man looked up at me and replied, "Of course I have them. But it's open. Just go to the elevator to the balcony. You don't need the keys." He was pure mortal, definitely.

I was confused now, but I said."Alright, just checking."

I turned on my heel and started making my way to the janitor closet, Percy at my side. I leaned up against the wall next to the closet, and percy casually followed.

He whispered, "What was that about? No one guarding Olympus?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. We can try the second back door entrance, here in the closet. You don't need a key for it, but it's rarely used. I only know about this from the designs I got for rebuilding it. It's worth a try."

I slipped into the closet while a group of tourists opened at the other end, who where talking rather loudly. Percy was right behind me. I flipped on the light, revealing mops, brooms, shelves of cleaning solvent, and a cabinet at the back wall. Without hesitation, I strode to the cabinet. "Percy, help me move this."

He stepped next to me and together we pushed the steel cabinet to the side. On the wall behind it, a black omega sign a little larger than my hand was painted on the wall. On a hunch, I placed my hand in the omega, which then glowed blue. The entire wall slid open, and an elevator shaft was behind, but made of stone and decorated Greek-style. A padlock was chained to the doorway, with a sign in Greek that said:

Olympus has been closed off due to Lord Zeus' orders. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

I turned to Percy without hesitation. "We need to talk to Chiron."


This is a rather short chapter, just because I'm more of just noting certain days with signifigance. This is the day that Olympus closed off, obviously, so I'm not doing every day. just putting that out there. Action and stuff will come, don't worry!

Oh yeah, two chapters in one day baby!

(sorry, just am happy that I was able to do that. Chapter eight to come!)

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Juno's WarningWhere stories live. Discover now