11:59 a.m.

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But first off,

Yes. I am alive.

Before you all get out your shotguns.....nevermind I don't even have a real excuse for not updating.

The only reasonable ones I can say is that I'm in highschool, with a shitload of work. I had exams to study and to stress about. My love life was shitty for like 3 months, including coming into the new year. That relationship ended, on a bad note if I may add. I was pretty sad for a good two months. But last month, I found someone who I really feel that will last for a good while. "Highschool relationships are a waste of time." I can agree to disagree. If you find someone that you feel that can like REALLY REALLY last you'll be surprised on how long it goes on. Don't be afraid to experiment, just don't become a hoe LOL.

Anyway though, that's sums up my life atm.


As you guys know, I've made another book called Sebastian. It's been getting tons of reads and I was becoming more focused on that book than this one. If you like my interracial books then you should totally check it out. It's more developed than this one. This one is what all my readers love most and I felt bad to abandon it like this. The main reason I really stopped writing this book was because of MAJOR writing block.

But don't worry I've come back. I don't know about for good, but I'm going to try. Also I've made a new cover to be up to date. I've been reading through the chapters and it seriously needs editing and revising. I'm not gonna change the plot, but I'm gonna make it better. Even add the lost chapter and even a new one.

I'm sorry for making you guys wait but I'm gonna try my best. Summer is in a week for me, so MAYBE updates will be more frequent. OK IM DONE HERE'S THE CHAPTER YOU ALL HAVE BEEN BUGGING ME ABOUT.


I was staring in the angry hazel eyes of Averi Jones. Her facial expression was neutral but I could feel the irritation radiating off of her.

I cleared my throat opening the door wider. "H-hey Averi." I stuttered. Elliot got from around me and stood beside me.

"We can explain."

Averi had rolled her eyes and started walking down the hallway. I sighed and jogged to get closer. Elliot was still standing in the same spot, knowing it was urgent for me to make things right.

She was angry. Victoria and her delusional outburst even added more to the flame, which wasn't good for me. She made things worse. It was hard enough trying to think of what I would say to her, but now to add more things to it.

I was close enough to grab her wrist. I tugged it so she could turn around and look at me. She complied, looking at me. Her eyes were shining, implying that tears were about to fall. It literally broke my heart knowing I was the reason.

"Averi..I didn't mean for things to turn out like they did." I started. "I wasn't thinking. I was so caught up in making him shut up. He thought he knew what he was talking about, and in reality he didn't. The fact he didn't care, made me angry. It wasn't fair."

"And you thought violence would've solved that? That it would've made it clear? A nose bleed would've made all the issues between you and him go away?"

I didn't say anything. I couldn't counter because she was right.

"You were on the right track. You took in the negativity and handled it well. You stopped smoking, and you stopped fighting. Your problems were being solved because of you. But I see there's still another issue."

"Your anger."

"I'm not perfect Averi." I sighed while pushing tugging my hair.

"I don't want you to be perfect! I want you to understand that what people say doesn't matter! You could've simply ignored what he said and continued the night with a smile. He doesn't matter anymore because he could've cared less about you being in that hospital bed. I don't care about you telling him off, but a fight? Definitely." She said while snatching her wrist out of my hold.

"What I'm asking you right now is to forgive me. You're right, I've been on a good track. My mom has lightened up, I've finally gotten my sister to open up to me again, I quit smoking and overcame my depression." I said.

"Hell, I even met you." I smiled, remembering the first time I went into that art room.

She wiped her eyes.

"Ever since I met you Averi, you've made me want to better myself. I envy how positive you are, I want to be that way. I don't like to mope around and be negative towards everyone. I couldn't stand seeing other people happy, knowing I could be that way if I had really tried. Your influence made me try. For me to see the first time you being this upset, makes me feel like scum."

"Even worse to know I'm the one that caused you to feel this way."

"I've come a long a way because of you. The last thing I need is for you to never talk to me again. I felt guilty since that night. You have been on my mind since that night. The look on your face stuck with me, which a dug me into deeper pit of guilt."

I pulled her closer to me. My hands rose to her face, cupping her cheeks. She closed her eyes. I saw tears running down her face.

"I'm a work in progress Averi. It won't happen again."

She opened her eyes to look up at me. Her face cheeks were wet of tears. I swiped my thumbs under her eyes, wiping away the moister.

She sniffles and licks her lips. I bring her closer, engulfing her into a hug. "Seeing you like this breaks my heart." I sighed into hair.

I feel her small arms wrap around my waist, holding me tight. I don't know how long we stood there, but I relished every second of it. A moment like this was needed. I had somewhat told her how I felt. There is definitely more that I would like to say, but I knew that was all that was needed to make her understand that I regret what I did.

The way she makes me feel is nothing compared to what I thought I felt with Victoria. I'm growing as a person with Averi. I knew from the start that this wasn't going to be a piece of cake. I knew that there would be plenty of obstacles coming my way. But what I didn't know was that it would be a very emotional process. Not for just me, but for Averi too. My partner in crime. The person who helped me become the person I am now.

How I am now is much better than how I was before, I see that. But in order for this to stick, I have to be consistent, which was what Averi had been trying to tell me all along.

I felt her arms coming from around me, locating to my stomach. She was using force to gently push me away. My heart had sunk a little.

"You have a lot more work to do Forest Cherrywood." She was starting to walk backwards from me, and down the hallway, leaving me.

I didn't get a call.

I didn't get a text.

I didn't see her for the rest of the week.

Next week is spring break.

I knew she was doing this on purpose, but the one thing I wondered was what her purpose from doing this was.



I feel like after writing so long, my format of writing is more developed. Have you noticed?

I bet you guys are happy as shit. Well I'm glad that you're happy.

I'll be back soon enough. I missed you guys. VOTE AND COMMENT, I LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO.


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