9:43 P.M

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9:43 P.M


"She fucking left me!" He shouted.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He must be drunk.

"Victoria you dumbass!" He slurred.

The music had been turned down. The constant chatter died down because of the commotion. Whispers and gasps were heard.

"I'm supposed to care because?" I trailed off.

I guess this made him more furious. He trudged through people to get to me. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and in my face. His breath fanned my face, smelling of alcohol.

"She left me for your sorry ass! Your the cause of all this!"

In all the seriousness of the situation, I laughed. Looking at his facial expression made it even more amusing to me.

It was so funny, I became teary eyed.

"Ok ok..hold on," I was trying to sober up. "Let me get this straight." I giggled.

"She left your desperate, backstabbing, fake ass? For me?" I said with all amusement gone.

"That's funny to you?" He said while letting me go.

I chuckled. "Of course it is. Doesn't this remind you of an event when I came back to school?"

It was quiet.

"Doesn't feel good does it? I would know, y'know?"

"She left me for a fuck up like you! You get everything you fucking want in the end don't you? That's why I fucking hate you!"

I punched him and he fell back. I got on top of him and held his collar. A bunch of gasps sounded throughout the house.

"Do you think I wanted everything?!"


"You don't know shit."


"You don't know what I was going through mentally!"

I didn't get to finish, because he finally countered back with a punch.

God, it hurt.

After that, it was just a full out brawl. I got my punches in, he got his punches in. Everything just went black.

"Stop Forrest!" I heard Elliot shout. People were around us shouting "fight". Phones were on display, recording everything.

"Forrest!" I heard Averi scream.

"Stop it! He isn't worth it!"

I halted in mid punch. I found her in the crowd. Her arms were crossed, with a disapproving look. I hobbled up to go to her but she left before I could actually get up.


"This isn't over Cherrywood!"

I looked back him. He was trying to get out of the hold of his friends.

"Piss off." I rolled my eyes.

Right then, my phone vibrated.

Elliot: She wanted to leave. Good luck apologizing.


I went outside, looking for a yellow Camaro, hoping she was just starting the car. But it wasn't in sight.

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