❺:0❸ P.M

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Holy shit thanks for all the votes and comments. My notifications were blown up bc of you guys. Thanks, that really meant a lot.

And I'll be writing in Forrests P.O.V more because I feel his is more interesting.

5:03 P.M


While Bailey was stuffing her face. I heard the doorbell that rung through our spacious house.

I ran to the door and looked through the peephole to find a short beauty with her curls blowing in the wind.

"Thou shall not pass." I said through the intercom.

"Thou should open thy door before thou drop kicks Forrest."

I unlocked the door and she shuffled inside glaring at me. She looked around the house with astonished eyes.

"Your house is huge Forrest." She said.

I rolled my eyes. Like I've never heard that before.

Then I heard small feet patter, the sound getting louder and closer. Bailey had smeared jelly on the side of her mouth.

I laughed and walked over to her and picked her up. "I see you've demolished your sandwich." I said while wiping the jelly off of her mouth with my thumb.

"Did you save me some?" I asked with a pout? She shook her head with a devilish smirk. "Meanie." I said. Then she stuck out her tongue.

"Bailey this is my...best friend Averi."

"She's really pretty." She whispered in my ear. I chuckled. "I agree." I whispered back. She nuzzled her head in my chest. She's so shy.

Averi looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"She's not really good with meeting new people is all. She'll get used to you in no time."

She nodded.

Then she came up to me and put her hand on top of my forehead.

"Your still burning up, have you taken anything?" She asked.

I shook my head. I totally forgot about that.

"Dumbass, come on lead me to the kitchen." She said.

Bailey followed me and Averi. We walked through hallways and finally made it. The peanut butter and jelly jar still left open.

I looked at Bailey with a stern look. She shrugged and climbed on top of a stool.

"I can't believe I haven't come to your house before. After everything we've been doing." She said.

"It's like you live in a dungeon or something. It's huge."

"It's a mansion Averi, what'd you expect?" I chuckled.

Her amazement was killing me in the inside. She murmured a true.

Then she got up and tried to find some soup through the cabinets. Once she finally found it, she opened and got out a pot. She poured in the contents and turned on the stove.

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