11:26 A.M

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Annoying comments and such irritate me but the ones who love this story keep me going 💙


Don't hurt me lol I've given you the update.

Also my character app isn't workin at the moment so I couldn't edit the time like usual.

Alright enjoy.

11:26 A.M


I sped walked through the hallways, trying to get to get my destination. And at this destination, is Averi.

Averi, someone I can't afford to lose right now. Over something so childish and stupid.

God, that Beau needs to go fall down some stairs.

As I got closer to the art room, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around.

A blank faced Elliot looked back at me. I shrugged and decided to walk with her.

"Why in such a rush?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Trying to repair something I've messed up, what about?"

"Going to go comfort a pissed Averi."

I sighed.

"He hit me first." I tried to reason. She stopped in her tracks to look up at me. "That isn't the point dummy. The point is that you were making progress. You could've easily handled that better."

"Talking to the shithead is pointless, he doesn't listen." I seethed.

"Well you punching him everytime he makes an idiotic comment, hasn't solved anything yet has it? He keeps running back to say something else to piss you off."

"Maybe he's hurt his head a little too much that he can't follow directions." I snickered.

She gave me a straight face.

"Alright alright I get it. I'm not going to start anything, just to fix this."

She crossed her arms.

"You and I both know I can't lose something like her right now. I'd go mad."

She smirked and continued to walk.


I caught up to her, and as we neared the room, we saw a walking Victoria. She turned straight into the room.

Oh fuck.

As we neared, I was about to go in until Elliot grabbed my arm and pulled hard.

I winced, and she held a finger to mouth.

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatcha paintin' there?"

That was most likely Victoria.

I heard a squeak which was probably the stool she was sitting on. "What're you doing in here? How do you even know about this place?"

I had to get a peak for myself. From how nosy Elliot was, she was peaking too.

"I know people, and they've got eyes."

"Don't you think that's pretty creepy? Stalkerish?" Averi trailed.

"Not when it involves my boyfriend."

Is she delusional or what?

"You guys broke up a long time ago sweetheart, and if I recall, it was you who ended it."


"I was confused, but now we're back together. We talked it out and everything. He understands."

Averi laughed.

"Yo...that was a nice one." She said while sobering up.

"Sure, Forrest is an idiot," she began. Well that stung a bit. But I deserved it.

"but he isn't that stupid to actually take you back. Anyone would be smart to see what's in that head of yours."

"To be the golden couple again right? Jock with his head cheerleader girlfriend? Getting drunk off your asses and sloppy kisses? Sex? Popularity?" She counted her fingers.

"I read you before you guys even got together. Really cliche if you ask me."

I saw her furrow her eyebrows.

"Wait..are you jealous because he seems happier with me?" She asked.

Suddenly, Victoria took a canvas and broke it in half. She threw the pieces near Averi. Her eyes were narrowed into a glare, the tip of her ears turning pink.

"He doesn't like you! He never did, don't you get that? You're a fucking lowlife! An outcast! A nobody! Your nothing! He doesn't need a piece of shit like you."

"I'm everything he needs! He only befriended you because he felt sorry for you!"

That's when Averi got up from her stool. She stood in front of Victoria. Victoria was taller by two inches but that didn't mean a thing. Victoria kind of cowered back a bit.

"You've got us mixed up."

"The true lowlife around here, is you." She pointed at Victoria chest.

"I would never leave my boyfriend because he was out of it. Because he had problems." She began.

"A true loving girlfriend would help him out. Help him get himself together again. To be happy again. No one needs a girlfriend that doesn't care." She looked passed her and at me.

"Also, that'll be 3.29$ for the canvas you just broke."

I gasped and went against the wall again.

"Shit." I whispered.

I heard Victoria scoff.

"Watch your back Jones. I won't say it again." Victoria said.

At that cue, Elliot and I scrambled to the room before the art room. We quickly closed the door and stood still. We heard sneakers walked passed the door. I opened to door a bit to see if the coast was clear.

I heard a certain someone clear their throat. Those hazel eyes that I can't get enough of, were glaring at me.

Great, I'm screwed.


24k reads, pretty awesome if you ask me.

Sorry for the cliffhanger but hey 😉 more things to come.

Mmk see you guys soon, xoxo

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