2:17 P.M

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2:17 P.M


It was was the afternoon. My throat felt sore and scratchy, and my nose congested. The cold weather from yesterday had me sick.


I got up earlier and checked my temperature. It was high and I hated it. My mother had came into the kitchen and actually took a look at me.

She gripped my chin and looked at my face in concentration. "Your sick aren't you?" She asked. I sniffled and she rolled her eyes and smirked.

That was the first time since the incident happened that she actually talked to me, even worry about me.

"There's cough syrup or some Claritin if you need it. And I recommend eating some soup." She said while getting her keys.

And one question was still unanswered and we all knew how good things were just now, would become quiet and awkward.

"Where's Dad?"

She was quiet for a second, and her lips stretched into a fake smile. "If you aren't sick enough, could you pick up Bailey from school at four? I love you, I'm off."

Then the door shut.

And I don't know how I felt about those three words coming from her mouth. It had my stomach go crazy with emotion. Or it could just be vomit. She's hasn't said those three words to me for a while now. I felt neglected and didn't feel like neither of them loved me after what I've done. I've made this household a ghost town.

We don't have family dinners, I rarely see my father around, there's no more I love you's exchanged, and Bailey has been mute ever since. Nothing is the same.

But what I dreaded more about being sick, is that I can't go to school. Well let me not lie.

It's Averi I want to see.

I haven't texted her my condition. She's probably thinking I overslept or something. But frankly, I couldn't stand getting up out of bed because my hacking and sneeze attacks were too disgusting and tiring.

I'd say I'm pretty nice, not letting this cold spread throughout the school.

But not being able to hear her laugh and petty remarks, sucked total ass. She's what made my days bearable. Like I actually mean something to somebody. She makes me feel I actually belong here and realizing my worth.

She's definitely a good influence in my life. But I think if she continues to be in my life, I'd be able to overcome the drugs, and the negative thoughts. She's making me happy right now and that's what's keeping me alive and myself.

I heard my phone ring, and the person who I've been thinking about for the last 5 hours actually called.

"Where the hell are you Cherrywood."

I cough and use my nasally voice." I'm sick."

"Don't you dare use Mean Girls references with me. How the fuck did you get sick?"

"Shouldn't you be in class right now?" I chuckled.

"Shut up and tell me."

I sighed. Such a persistent little person she is.

"I may have went out last night and stood in the cold.."

"Please don't say you were smoking." She pleaded.

"Too late." I chuckled.

She sighed. "For fucks sakes." She mumbled.

"Then I woke up hacking and a sore throat. I didn't want to give you anything so I stayed."

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