❶:❸❺ P.M

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Alright I must apologize to my readers. I'm sorry for the long delay and just a whole lot of shit have just been happening. School has started and it's making it harder for me to start writing. I have to juggle sports, grades, my music and drawing. But I feel like I owe you guys like a bunch of chapters and I think I'm gonna start to write a whole bunch. Please accept my apology and I hope you guys forgive me lol. But here's the chapter you guys have been waiting 5 years for CX.

1:35 P.M


I paid for three pizzas and three sodas.

The things I do for family and friends.

People probably looked at me like I'm the fattest fucker on the planet. Well sadly I'm

I'd be happy as fuck to fucking die from clogged arteries and diabetes.

I walked to the table and placed the tray down. Elliot and Averi were laughing about something. Hopefully Elli hasn't told any embarrassing shit about things in the past.

The most cliche thing to do when I'm
not around.

"Let me in on the joke, must've been hilarious since there's basically tears threatening to fall down Averi's face."

"Oh nothing, just how you would run around naked still at 13 years old." She wheezed and started laughing once again.

I felt a blush rising up from my neck. I knew I could never live that down.

"It would just jiggle everywhere Ri, and Aunt Lynn would jus-"

"Alright that's enough with the embarrassing memories, let's get to why your here." I said while scratching my neck.

Thank god that worked.

I don't think I could ever look Averi in the eye with her knowing all that unnecessary information.

"Oh we moved to a new house that's around here." She shrugged and took a bite from her pizza.

She hummed and delight." Dis ish actshuslly really good" she said with her mouth full. I frowned in disgust.

"Yeah I know right, I said the same and it was my first time eating it."

"Sadly that's the only decent thing in that fucking kitchen that isn't garbage."

"So why'd you move?" Averi asked.

Elli was too invested in the pizza that she didn't notice that Averi was talking to her, but once she got the hint she immediately quickened the pace at what she was chewing her food.

"Oh! Well my mother wanted to move closer to Forrest and the rest of the family so we can keep an eye on him." She said.

Why the fuck should she be worried about me. Do they really think I'm fucking insane? That made me a little irritated.

"I'm fucking fine, so why?" I ask.

"Well my mom is just really worried about you-"

"My well being?" I finished. She was quiet and looked uncomfortable. I scoffed. I got up from the bench and walked off.

I couldn't deal.

I get that yeah I fucked up big time, but I can't help from what I felt. I couldn't keep acting like i was happy because in reality I wasn't. But I survived. My well being is just fine the way it fucking is. I'm not cutting myself and I'm not doing any pills.

Ok yeah weed is a drug but it's to ease my mind and take away all the stressful thoughts.

I was in the hallways where there was nothing but yellow lockers. I leaned my head onto the cold metal to calm down.

Then I felt a poke at my back. I turn my head around and found a small Averi. She looked up at me with a knowing look.

I rolled my eyes. Then she put her arms around my torso and laid her head on my back with her cheek against my back.

"You know your aunt is only looking out for you." She said.

"I'm just fucking fine. It's been a fucking month, in my head that's a hint that I'm doing just fine.

"Well your aunt is making sure of that, and Elliot seems like she really cares as well."

Maybe she's thinking that since my mom is too busy to actually how her son is doing, that she should just take matters in her own hands and make sure I'm mentally stable.

"Why won't you let anybody worry about you? All they wanna do is see if your really progressing." She said.

I sighed.

I hate when she's right.

I turn around completely and engulf her in my arms. I lay my chin on the top of her head and close my eyes.

It's so unnatural to me, to have someone worry about me. Everybody just thought I was all sunshine and fucking unicorns.

"Now you have to apologize." She said with a chuckle.

I smirked and shook my head.

"Yes ma'm."

We head back to the table and we see her messing with her hands and have this solemn facial expression.

"I'm sorry Elli, I'm really trying to handle my anger. It's just a foreign thing for someone to worry about me that much, I'll talk to her when I get the chance but thanks." I said.

"No problem Forrest, but other then the serious stuff, I'm ready to have some fun over here." She said with a huge smirk.

"You'll definitely have some fun. I just wouldn't have it with those jerks."

I directed that to Beau and the others. I burned holes into the back of his head.

I swear I would never get tired of beating his sorry ass. If he even thinks about coming towards Averi or Elli, hell will break loose.

No. Joke.


Well guys, my birthday was Sunday and that was awesome, shopping is the best when your with your best friend. But anyways I'll definitely try to do the extra chapters for you, I know I've been a total lazy bitch but I'm gonna try and get right back to it.

Love you guys and see ya next chapter


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