3:17 P.M

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I probably lost a lot of readers, but that's okay because we're gonna get new ones. I appreciate those who stayed, it means you really support me and this book. Enjoy ❤️

3:17 P.M

Spring break was supposed to be a time where you relax from school. Not only just to relax, but to have fun as well. I would look down my social media accounts and see that plenty of people at school were out of state, either with family or friends. I couldn't help but feel jealous.

It's Thursday, only three days left of the break. I've completely done nothing. Not to mention how Averi has gone MIA on me.

I think that was the worst part. I haven't gotten one text or even a phone call from her. I thought my sincere apology, that was so heartfelt and meaningful, didn't do the job. I thought we were good after that moment, but I guess not.

"You have a lot of work to do Forrest Cherrywood."

A lot of work to do indeed. I don't know what her objective is, but I wanted to find out. My conscious couldn't be clear if I didn't find out. Her not being around and not wanting to talk to me, was literally driving me mad. I can't count how many times I've possibly blown her phone up with text messages or phone calls. From my nerves getting the best of me, I checked my messages again to if I had gotten a reply.

To: Averi 💜

- Averi, this doesn't make any sense. Please talk to me.

-What's the point of doing all this?

- Can you please call me? Text me back even?

- For fucks sakes, I miss you a lot. Stop depriving me of you.

I kept scrolling up, to see all the text messages that I've been sending her. They were all delivered but she didn't read a single one. Well she didn't read it from what I could tell.


I looked over at a distracted six year old. We were watching Dory on Netflix. We had separate bowls for snacks. This probably wasn't good for Bailey since she's so small, but it was spring break. I thought I'd let the kid have a break from small portions.

My mom was at work at this time. Apparently, she doesn't have a spring break. She has work all week until the weekend, when her hours aren't as long. There have been no signs of my dad being around. Ever since that night, he literally left. His stuff was still here, but he hasn't stepped foot into this house. I would know because I'm here ninety-eight percent of the time.

My mom has been taking it surprisingly well. Either that, or she's been hiding her real feelings. After hat night, it had became an unspoken thing. We wouldn't even bring him up. Our family pictures were still on hanging on the large white walls of our house. If she had really despised him, she would've burned these pictures. It would've been sad to see all of our memories burned, but it would show how strongly she felt about all this.

She doesn't even wear her wedding ring. I guess it was a huge reminder of the monster she was married to.

"Bubby. I know you're not sleep."

I shook my head of the thoughts that still lingered.

"You caught me."

She giggled. "My bowl of Goldfish are gone." She said while holding the bowl with one hand. Her hair was in a messy bun (I had a lot of trouble getting the bun right, but I said fuck if after the third try), she was in her Frozen light blue T-shirt, with grey cotton shorts and her pair of Olaf socks. She really likes Frozen, which makes me cringe harder than ever.

"A refill will be coming right up." I said while sliding off of the couch. I got up and walked into the kitchen, scanning through the pantry of the huge carton of goldfish.

My ringtone blares out of my pocket. I took it out to see the name. Elliot was calling me. Ever since the day that we got caught eavesdropping on the argument between Averi and Victoria, she's been talking to me a lot. I learned that her and Averi had a good heart-to-heart conversation. Long story short, they made up. I was jealous because Averi wasn't ignoring her like she was the plague.

I slid the button over to open the call.

"If you're calling me to rub the fact that you guys are best friends again in my face, hang up now."

The line went dead.

But her name immediately came back and called me again.

"Just kidding. But I do have some news you'll be interested in. More than interested."

Most likely it'll have something to do with Averi.

"Well Levi has invited us over to the beach house."

"Okay and?" I said while grabbing the carton. I opened it and started to poor.

"I invited Averi and a couple of friends at school."

I had forgotten that I was still pouring the goldfish in, the bowl was way too full. My stomach started to feel jittery, just hearing her name had an effect on me. I could finally see her, and talk to her.

Levi was my cousin, and the same age as us. He's from my fathers side sadly. It's a shame because he's honestly cool person. He's funny, but he can get serious in heartbeat if he has a strong passionate feeling about it. I haven't seen him in a year, it'd be good to see him at a time like this. He was even nice enough to let Elliot bring her friends.

"When should I pack?" I said while carrying the bowl out of the kitchen. Bailey was singing from the top of her lungs. She was twirling and jumping everywhere.

"Today because I'm coming to get you tomorrow so we can head out. Tell Bailey that she has an amazing voice."

I wheezed. "Why make her believe s-"


"Talk to you later, make sure you bring some swim trunks. We'll definitely be having some fun." I could practically hear her eyebrows raising up and down.

I said bye and hung up. I took the remote and turned down the loud TV. "I'm glad I didn't feed you any sugar." I rolled my eyes.

I handed her the bowl and she took it while hopping back onto the couch.

"Was that Averi?" She asked while munching. Bailey is one nosy kid for someone whose only met her once.

"No that was Elliot. She said you voice was amazing." I poked her stomach.

She gasped. "Like Beyoncé?"

I really wanted to laugh at her face, and crush her dreams. Maybe I should wait until she's older to use my sarcasm on her. She wouldn't understand it right now, and might have her believing everything I say.

"Duh. Maybe even better." I smiled.

I really couldn't help myself.


Two chapters in a row?!? How fucking lit am I?
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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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