3:26 P.M

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3:26 P.M


Forrest and I were walking side by side. He would bump my shoulder every now and then and it was just be a little childish fight.

For the past 3 weeks we've been hanging out, he's been really cool.

He would always go to the abandoned art room to find me and eat lunch. He would watch me paint and criticize it. They were all good opinions which was a plus.

He's been really chill and it was what I really needed right now. Someone I could just talk to and make me laugh.

I don't see why his friends left him. I feel like Forrest is still the same. I mean maybe he's a little messed up. Smoking weed to get away from the world for a while. To feel numb.

But everyone's messed up. Everyone has problems. Everyone at some time in their lives just breaks down. It shows that people have actual feelings. All of us are human and it's only natural. Im sure he can get over what he's struggling with. He hasn't told me why he tried to do suicide. I mean I want to know but I just met the guy.

It wouldn't be right to just meddle and pressure him. I want him to tell me when he want me to know.

"Where are we going actually?" I asked.

"You'll see babydoll." he said with a smirk.

In the sunlight, his appearance was much brighter. You could see that his hair was actually a dark brown. He didn't look as pale as he does usually. His eyes looked like a brighter blue. His black lip ring shined in the light.

"See anything you like?" He asked with a smirk.

I didn't even notice myself staring.

"I was looking at the sun, you cocky fuck."

"Right." he said in a sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh look we're here." He said.

I looked up and saw the sign.

"Harvey's Arcade"

"Why are we at a arcade?" I looked up at Forrest.

"My uncle owns this place, and to play games duh." he said.

"Come on." he said.

I followed after him and he held the door open for me.

The whole place was lit. Kids were scattered everywhere. The store was dark but the carpet and ceiling lit up in the dark. The ceiling had planets and alien heads everywhere. The carpet also had glow in the dark stars.

"This place is so cool." I said.

"I know right, I've never actually taken anyone here. I usually go here whenever I'm bored as shit." he said with a chuckle.

"Awe I'm honored to be the first." I said while wiping a fake tear.

He put his arm around my neck and we started walking.

"C'mon let's sign up for laser tag." he said.

I looked at his arm that was dangling off my shoulder. My heart began to beat rapidly. He had to bend down to get to me since I was 5'0 and he was like 6'1.

We went to the guy who was watching the line.

He furrowed his eyebrows at us.

"Aren't you guys a little too old to be here?" He asked.

"No sir we are not. Your never to old to have fun." he stated.

The guy rolled his eyes.

"So it's only the two of you guys?" He asked.


"Your scheduled to go at 4:34." he said.

"Thank you..Walter." Forrest said while looking at his name tag.

Forrest removed his arm from my shoulder. His face contorted into an evil grin.

"It's time for games Averi." he said while rubbing his hands together.


I was desperately pressing the button while Forrest was pressing the other.

"Die you little fucks!" I said.

"Shit shit shit!" Forrest said.

Our spaceship died from too many shooters.

"Godammit!!" I shouted.

The room went a little quiet.

I looked around and blushed. Most of the little kids looked at me. They started oohing.

I heard Forrest burst out laughing.

"Oh shut the hell up." I said.

They all gasped.

I saw Forrest and he looked at his iPhone.

"It's 4:33 lets go babydoll." he said.

I put my arms across my chest.

"Fucking little shits." I mumbled.

Forrest pulled me into his arms. I could feel his chest vibrate from laughter.

"It's gonna be ok, it's just a game Averi." He said while ruffling my hair.

"Get off me, don't touch me." I said.

"Your like a wittle teddy bear." he said in a baby voice.

I chuckled.

"Please Forrest no." I said trying to get out of his hold.

"Not until your happy." he said with a chuckle.

"I'm happy, now get off." I said.

"Your so mean." he said while he let go of me.

I flipped him off with a wide grin on my face.

"Your obviously not happy." he said with pouty face.

I rolled my eyes.

We walked into the little dark room.

"I bet that I'll kick your ass in laser tag." Forrest said.

I smirk evilly at him.

"Is that a challenge I hear?" I said while cupping my ear.

"Loser treats the winner with pizza." He said.


I thought about it. If I win, I can rub it in his face that he sucks in laser tag.



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Thanks and next chapter is coming soon.

Love you guys xoxo

Forrest's Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن