❶❷:❹❻ A.M

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12:46 A.M


"It'd be nice if you could slow down a bit.." Averi said.

I was going 87 miles per hour on a road surrounded by trees and bushes. The light from the moon lit the night sky a bit. The faint music from the radio played.

"Where are we going anyway." She sighed.

"Don't worry, I know where we're going. I've been here too many times."

It was silent after that. She would spare looks at me and then look of the window. She grabbed my hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

He's made me angry plenty of times, but never to the point where he's said something like that to me. His eyes were filled with such seriousness and hatred. Nothing I've ever experienced with him.

He proved to me he didn't love me, he didn't love any of us. He's been fucking over my mother the last two years. Two years I had to watch my mother ignore the phone calls, the late nights, the lipstick stains on his shirt. I clenched my jaw even harder.

She's been quiet this whole time, and I felt like it was finally time someone brung it up. He never admitted it, he could never tell her to her face. I couldn't stand sitting in a room with us ignoring the elephant in the room, like there was nothing wrong.

But there was, and about time someone brought it to the table.

He is such a fucking womanizer and a coward. He didn't deserve my mother at all.

A woman who does anything, even ignoring the fact that her husband is cheating on her, to keep her marriage going and has been nothing but loving deserves so much more than a man like him. A man that was my fucking father.

I pulled over into our destination. There was a cliff. I would come here to smoke or just stay here to clear my head. The pressure would always get to me and when I couldn't take it anymore, I'd come here. Sometimes I'd even thinking about jumping.

I closed the door and walked over to my spot. Averi was behind me and she looked around.

I sat crisscross next to a tree stump.

"I guess you could say this was my second method of suicide." I started. "She always knew. The evidence was always there. She'd act cold towards me for it. I can say that the day she saw me in that hospital bed, and today, were the only days where I could see her old self."

"She used to be so nice, so child-like. She was so loving and caring. That all stopped after she realized what was going on."

I picked up a leaf and examined it. Feeling the ripples on calmed me a bit.

"I wish I could be a leaf y'know?" I chuckled.

"Trees have leaves, and eventually they all fall off, they blow away where ever they want. They don't worry about anything. They don't have a broken household, a fuçked up brain like mine. They don't worry about a thing."

She came up to me and lifted up my chin. She wiped a tear from my face.

"Wait I'm crying?" I chuckled.

"Calm down." She said. "I've seen enough to understand what your saying."

I couldn't help but smile and shake my head.

"Well now you know what happens in that shitty household. You think you could last a day in that environment?"

She scoffed.

"Not a day in hell."

I laughed.

She sat back down. The sound of crickets and and trees blowing filled our silence. This is what I needed.

Wind, please take me to a better place. Make all the drama and pain go away.



I ended up taking Averi home. She told me she enjoyed dinner, which was a total lie, and kissed me on my cheek goodbye.

I drove home with two fingers on my temple while leaning my elbow on the arm rest.

The windows from my house were still lit from the light of the lamps in the hallway.

I sat in the seat with my head on the steering wheel. I was tired. Tired of being here. Tired of having to deal with this. It was pure bullshit.

I sighed.

"Why me." I whispered.

I heard a drop of rain hit the window of my car. Great I thought.

I would have to walk in there sometime, so I did.

I unlocked the door with my keys and walked in to a bunch of yelling. My mother sounded pained but stern. My father had the sound of a mad man.

"How dare you speak to Forrest that way! He's your son Jared!" She shouted.

He laughed humorlessly.

"That nutcase is not my son Isis! He's been nothing but trouble for the past few weeks, and let's not forget that little stunt he pulled!"

So now killing myself was a joke? Wow.

"That is not funny Jared. I can only imagine how he feels about this dysfunctional family. You not being a husband to me, and you also not being a father to your son or daughter."

I shook my head and went up stairs, still hearing the conversation.

"It's boring Isis! God can you not see that? I've already tried with Forrest and Bailey isn't in my interest. I'm tired of all this, and Susan gives me what I need."

Then I heard a loud slap.

"Get the fuck out Jared! Everything is a joke to you. So if your bored with me and my children, then get the hell out."

I heard the door slam shut.

I was too sleepy to even continue hear what else was going on.

The light shown from the window confirmed he took his car and left. So I just hope he's gone for good.

God knows he's already caused enough hell in this house.



But if you follow me, you'd see the messages I've posted. Thanks so much for the 2K guys it means a bunch, whether if you're a new reader or day 1, thank you sooooo much for reading this book.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys. Vote and comment if you'd like! See you guys soon xoxo

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