Meeting the Tyrant

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I woke up to the sound of whimpering behind me "Tooth are you ok?" I felt het start to shake behind me "N-no please stop... don't hurt her!" I quickly pushed off her wing "H-Helen please I'm sorry..." I started to shake her "Toothless wake up!" I shook her harder "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." I went to her head and grabbed it. I felt a wetness on my hand "Tooth please wake up please, it's just a nightmare." I said as I slightly shook her head. I watched her eyes open slightly "H-hiccup?" I sighed in relief and gave her a hug "It's me Tooth don't worry I'm here." I felt my shoulder start to get wet "It felt so real..." I rubbed her back "They always do but remember, it's not real." I heard her sniffle "Thanks for waking me." I lied down next to her head "No problem at all Tooth." I watched her for a few minutes and she got back to sleep, I soon followed

I felt something nudging my side "Hiccup it's time to get up." I groaned and opened my eyes "Please tell me I'm not going to be late." I didn't want to be late again "No but I let you sleep a bit longer and I brought you breakfast." I sat up and thanked her. I grabbed the fish and started eating it. My mind was still trying to prevent me from eating it raw but it still didn't taste bad in the end. I looked up and decided that I would have to leave in a few minutes so I grabbed the rest of the herbs from last night and turned it into a paste "This will be the last time I do this. It's healing up nicely." I said as I put the little paste I had left onto her tail "I can't wait to be able to fly properly." She said looking up to the sky. I looked up too wondering what I would be like to fly. I decided that my time has run out "I'm going to have to leave. I'll see you later." She looked back down at me "I know, see you later." I grabbed the basket and walked out of the cove

I arrived and started to go to the arena. I looked around and saw lots of commotion with people moving towards the docks. I found Gobber in the crowd "Gobber what's going on?" He turned to see me "Your father is returning, oh and training is canceled." I felt stupid after all I've been to my dad returning before "Oh ya, I forgot." I decided it best for me to greet my dad down at the docks so I followed Gobber

I waited with Gobber until the boats docked... at least what was left of them. The boats were loaded with people so I'm going to assume that most made it to another boat before theirs sank. I watched my father's boat pull up, multiple people began to come off with their weapons and spare cloths. My dad stepped off and greeted Gobber "So did ye find the nest?" I watched my dad's face begin to darken "Not even close." He said "Oh wonderful." Gobber and I are the few that can be sarcastic in moments like these "Please tell me you're at least having better luck here." Gobber shrugged "Nothing great but nothing bad either. Your son's getting a little better though." I saw his face crack a slight smile "Good."

I decided now would be a good time to welcome him home "Welcome back dad." I watched him lighten up at those words "Ahh yes, it's good to be back." He gave me a quick hug "So Gobber said you're getting good at training, is it true?" I felt a little guilty considering I've done nothing to get better, but I nodded in a yes "That's my boy!" He said following it with a chuckle. I grabbed his bag of cloths and started walking with him back to the house "Are you training at home too, or just with Gobber?" I could tell he was trying to start up a conversation "I'm training out in the forest." I heard him hum a little "That's good..." I felt it start to go awkward and the trip went silent from there

We got to the house and I brought the cloths he brought back up to his room. I came back down and seen my dad rubbing a helmet gently "Who's helmet is that?" I asked curiously. He stopped rubbing it and stood up "It's yours." My eyes widened a little; I never thought I would get a helmet from my dad "D-dad I don't know what to say..." He smiled and gave me the helmet "Your mother would have wanted you to have it..." I began to rub the smooth surface in the front "... it's half of her breast plate, I-it keeps her close." I was a little wierded out but it is one of the nicest things I've ever gotten from my dad "Thank you dad." I said putting it on my head to try it on. It's a little too big for my head but I didn't care if it was useable, it was the thought of it that I cared about "Oh ya and I forgot..." I watched him quickly go up the stairs and herd stuff being moved "Ahh here it is." He came down the stairs with his hands behind his back

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