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All I could feel was pain. I opened my eyes slowly and started to grip my stomach in pain. My face hurt a lot too but mostly my abdomen was in pain 'Why me?' Is all I could think. I sighed and stopped pitying myself and started to get up "Ah!" I clutched my ribs on the right side. I instantly knew I had a broken rib. The only thing I could do is suck it up and get to Gothi's for proper treatment.

I grabbed onto the wall of the building and pulled myself up... painfully 'Ok now just get to Gothi's.' I took a couple steps but ultimately fell back down. I looked around and spotted a big stick about twenty feet away that I could use to help me walk. I slowly crawled over to the stick. It took me a minute but I got it. I pulled myself up again with the help of a tree. I started walking to Gothi's; I knew it would take a while. I was about half way there when I realized it was night, and that didn't get to see Toothless today 'I hope she forgives me' I thought

When I got to her little hut I realized that I had to climb stairs "Great as if I wasn't in enough pain." I started to go up and it wasn't as bad I thought it would be but it still hurt. KNOCK KNOCK. I realized also that since it was probably late, she was probably tired. To my surprise the door opened within seconds "Hello Gothi I uhh... need your help." She motioned me in and over to a cot. I crawled into it leaning the walking stick next to the bed. She put up her hand in the "Give me a minute" gesture. I nodded in understanding

I heard someone talking in another room which was probably why she answered the door so quickly "So eat one of these every day for a week and I should get better?" It was Astrid I heard in the other room "Thank you Gothi." I heard some shuffling and then the door start to open. I started to pretend to sleep, it wasn't that she was bad to me but she wasn't nice either. I heard the door shut and a few steps be taken "Hiccup? *sigh* what happed to him?" I assume she asked Gothi "Oh, never mind then, thanks again Gothi." I heard her finish then a door shut

I cracked open an eye to see Gothi standing next to me. I fully opened them after a few seconds. I realized she didn't know what was wrong with me other then my face. I pushed up a little and took off my shirt "Broken ribs I think." She raised an eyebrow in question "I just hurt myself." I could see that she didn't believe the crap I was saying

I seen her rub her temples before going around and grabbing different things like herbs and bandages. She grinded different things in a bowl and made some type of paste that was green. When she started to put on the paste I realized how bad it actually was with lots of bruises all over. After all of the spots were covered she wrapped them in bandages. I seen her grab a root of some kind and motioned me to chew it, so I did. After a few minutes my face wasn't hurting anymore and my body hurt less "Thank you Gothi, I'll be on my way now." I started to crawl out but she pushed me back in "Gothi please." She shook her head and pointed to the bed. I sighed "Ok Gothi." I got comfortable in the bed. Gothi smiled before walking over to the door and locking it 'I will see you soon Toothless.' I thought before going to sleep

The Next Morning

I woke up to the sound of Gobber talking to Gothi "What happened to him?" I heard Gothi scribbling on the floor "Cracked ribs ehh? What caused it?" I heard more scribbling "What do you mean you don't know, you always know?!" I heard a thwack "Ok, ok fine but I'm going to ask him myself." I heard the door shut signaling that Gobber had left. I felt Gothi start to shake me awake. I acted as best as I could "Morning Gothi." She nodded her head stating she under stood. She got together a bit of that one root and wrapped it up in a cloth. She handed me the cloth and struck out 1 finger and then 2 "Umm, one or two a day?" I guessed. She nodded a yes "Thanks for everything Gothi." She smiled and nodded her head again. I grabbed my walking stick to give me a little help in walking.

'Ok good, their just cracked' I thought as I left her hut. I realized it was dragon training time. I sighed before walking/hobbling in the direction of the arena. It took a little bit but when I got their I could see Gobber talking to the teens "-et dragon head can't light its fire." Gobber saw me walking in "Hiccup!" He waved me over "You lot do something over there for a minute." He said pointing over to the other side of the arena "But why do we..." Gobber gave Tuffnut a stare that could frighten even his father

I walked by the teens that were now walking to the other side "Hey Gobber what's up?" I asked "Oh you know what's up, so up so spill the beans." He said sternly. I knew that he knew what happened but I nodded my head anyway "No not at all." I watched Gobber sigh "Hiccup seeing you with broken ribs kinda raises my suspicions." I shook my head "I just fell." I responded "What could you possibly fall off of that would break your ribs, give you kick marks, and a black eye?!" I opened my mouth to respond but couldn't find anything to say. Gobber's eyes softened "Hiccup please I'm trying to help you." I remained silent. Again I heard him sigh "Fine I can't force you but I am not going to have you in the action anymore."

"Thanks Gobber but don't I need to be in the "action"." I said, he wave it off "I'm the instructor what I say goes so get up there." He said as he pushed me towards the spectator section. When I got to the spectator spot I heard Gobber give instructions for today's lesson. I watched all of them group up, with one group being girls the other boys "Remember one head shoots the gas and the other lights it!" I heard Gobber shout right next to me. I watched as multiple teens got knocked down or miss with the water buckets they were given. The only ones lest were Fishlegs and Astrid. I watched a head come out of the gas and Fishlegs pored his water on it, unfortunately it was the gas head and Fishlegs ran away screaming. But I seen Astrid run up from the left and douse the correct head with water "I can't spark, I can't spark!" I heard the Zippleback scream.

Apparently the lesson was over because Gobber got the dragon back in its pen "Good job Astrid." He looked at everyone else and back to her "But all of you need to lean the word teamwork, you are less likely to die when working together." I watched everyone shuffle nervously "Other than that class is dismissed." I started to head over to my house. I took a different path from yesterday to get home.

I got home and chewed on one of the roots Gothi gave me. As I was chewing I grabbed a basket and put some fish in it and an eel because why not? One I was done doing that I put the basket on my back and decided that there was too much in it for my body to handle pain wise, so I put a few away before leaving "Finally I can get to see her." I mumbled to myself as I started walking through the forest

I saw the cove starting to come into view 'Will she be mad for me not showing up?' I wondered but just shook it off hoping she wouldn't. I walked through an opening that went down to the bottom "Toothless!" I shouted out. I listened but didn't hear a response. I walked in further and started to look around "Toothless are you here?" I called out and listened again... nothing.

I looked around for a while longer and she didn't show up. I slumped down next to a rock and started to tear up a little 'Why did I think that anyone would stay around the worthless little mistake that has ever been born?' I thought sadly as I slid lower to the ground. I couldn't keep in the tears, so I just let them fall "Why do the gods hate me!?" I angrily cried out. After a few minutes the tears stopped and I felt like no matter what I do I will always be alone. All of the crying and stress started to get to me as I started to curl up and fall asleep thinking about how unfair the world was

                                                         "The gods really do hate me don't they?"

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