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Stoick POV

I opened my eyes to see myself standing inside a great hall. I looked around wondering how I got here. The last thing I remember doing was going to sleep after Hiccup left. I put hands on the side of my head. Hiccup, I have messed up so badly with him.

"Welcome Stoick." I reached for my axe to realize it wasn't there. I looked over at a fire pit to see a man there with a hammer at his side "Who are you and what do you want?" I said forcefully

The man turned around "My apologies where are my manners, I am Thor." He said reaching his hand out. I took a step back "You're Thor?" I asked not trusting him

He put his hand down "Yes I am." I was about to call him a liar when I noticed the name of the hammer. It was exactly the same as said in stories "You're actually... Thor." I said still not believing it

Thor nodded; I was wondering why a GOD would want me in his presence "So why have you brought me here?" Thor offered me a chair and I took a seat

"I have brought you here to talk about you son." He said. Wait my son, Hiccup "What about him." I said standing back up again. Thor put up his hands in a calming gesture

"I can't go into details but off all the people that this will affect it will be you." He just made me more confused "What do you mean?" I asked now hoping nothing happened to Hiccup

"Your son is changing and when the time comes you will have to too." I shook my head "I don't understand." He put a hand on my shoulder "You will, and when you do don't over react a lot is at stake here."

He let go of me "My father advised me not to bring you her but I feel like maybe I can reassure you that things will be fine." I was starting to get worried "What could go wrong?"

"You will feel betrayed in the near future but just know that it isn't a betrayal ." The god said completely ignoring me. What did he mean my I would feel betrayed? I was about to ask him what he meant until he cut me off

"I'm not even supposed to be talking to you but I am hoping this will lessen the shock." I decided to try and ask one last question that would mean the world to me "C-can I ask how my wife is doing?"

The god smiled "You and your son are more alike than you think." All this was doing is confusing me more "Your wife is doing better than you think." I was about to ask what he meant "Enough our time is up." I closed my eyes as a blue flash blinded me

I sat up straight with sweat on my brow. I looked around half expecting to see a god. But I was at home; I sighed out and looked over at my end table to see an empty tankard

'What a strange dream.' It felt so real. So real that I almost wanted to believe it, but the empty tankard on the table told me another story. I stood up and stretched out. After getting stretched out I grabbed my cloak and went out to start the day.

Hiccup POV

I woke up to something moving behind me "Tooth, are you awake?" I squinted my eyes as her wing pulled up "Sorry Hiccup, I didn't mean to wake you." I yawned before waving her off "its fine waking up early won't kill me."

She moved her wing as I stood up cracking by back. I looked up and it was really early "It's really early, couldn't sleep?" I asked worried she was having nightmares again

"Ya it's hard for me to get used to this." She said back "What do you mean?" I asked wondering what she meant "Well we are called NIGHT furies for a reason."

My mouth opened in an O "I didn't think about that." I said feeling dumb. She chuckled lightly "Its fine I'm adapting fast." I was glad to hear that

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