Strange Dreams

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I opened my eyes and saw myself in a big room that looked a lot like the great hall on Berk but it looked more... mystical. The fire in the middle had two people, presumably warriors from their armor, sitting around it talking. Curiosity got the better of me as I walked closer to them "I'm telling you father he may not be strong on the outside but I can see the bravery in his heart." I watched the younger of the two say "I think you're right about this son, but this is thousands upon thousands of lives we are talking about here and that's a lot to put on someone's shoulders."

I heard younger of the two sigh "Why is it that the best in the heart are classified as the weak?" I watched the older put a hand on his shoulder "Because it makes them stronger." I was starting to feel like I wasn't supposed to hear this but I kept listening "Either way the plan is in motion so there is no turning back." I stepped back behind the pillar 'Plan? Thousands of lives? What is going on?' I turned to look back at them but they were gone 'Oh shit.' I looked around and didn't see them

"Hmm where is the exit?" I mumbled looking around. Their wasn't even a door in the place. Whoosh! I turned around to see the older guy and presumably guards. I hid behind another pillar and peeked out at them "Someone is in here but for some reason I can't figure out who, begin searching!" I started to panic, they would for surely find me "Hiccup." I heard a brief whisper "Ahh!" I was grabbed by the back of my cloths and was being brought over to the old guy "Hiccup." This time it sounded louder... and familiar. I was dropped on my knees in front of him, I looked up "You?!" The man said surprised. I had never met this man but I felt like I should know him "Hiccup!" It was louder. The man had an eye patch over his eye that looked like it was made out of gold and he had a bracelet with two crows on it, wait crows? Oh my gods err god this was Odin! "Hello hiccup." I was now more confused than ever. I was about to speak when I felt a tug on my chest. Odin looked confused "What are you doing?" I didn't know "HICCUP!" The pull was very strong and I felt myself start black out 'what is happening?!' the world then went fully black

I sat up with sweat falling down my face and a very worried looking Toothless watching me "What happened?" She asked, I was so confused "You were just laying there and then you just started shaking violently." I wiped my head and took several deep breaths "I went to sleep and I was in this place that looked like a great hall and... you know what it was just a nightmare." I said well aware that what I saw wasn't a dream, but I didn't want to scare her

I looked at her and saw that she had a tear going down her face "I was trying to wake you for five minutes and you didn't wake... I thought you were dying." I walked over and hugged her "I'm ok, don't worry." We stayed like that for a few moments before breaking apart "I'm sorry it's just... I was afraid I was going to lose my only friend."

I felt stupid for thinking that she left me "It's fine really, thanks for waking me." She nodded. I remembered I brought a basket of fish "Hey Toothless I've got something for you." She perked up her ears 'that's cute... wait what?' I pulled my thoughts away from that and went and got the basket "Here you go." I smiled as her eyes opened wide "Really?!" I nodded my head and she went in "Yep I got cod, salmon, and an eel if you're into it." At the word eel she instantly pulled her head out and started to freak. I ran over and slid on my knees to the basket and got it out then threw it away "Ya I'm not a fan of eels either, they kinda make me sick."

"Sorry I reacted so bad it's just eels kinda... well make us sick in a sense too." I chuckled "No need to apologize just eat I'll be fine." She did just that digging in. After a minute she walked away from it and over to me. I felt a fish hit me "You need to eat too." I thanked her and grabbed sticks for a fire "What are you doing?" I turned back and seen a confused look on her face "Getting things together for a fire to cook the fish." She still looked confused "Why would you burn it and not just eat it?" I laughed realizing dragons wouldn't understand "You see us humans need to cook a lot of our food or we'll get sick." She hummed in understanding

After getting all the sticks I groaned when I realized I didn't have a striker to light it "What's wrong?" I looked over at her lying on the ground "I don't have my fire starter with me." She looked at me weird before shooting a blast at the sticks making them instantly a campfire "Oh... ya, I'm stupid." I smiled and thanked her "So where were you yesterday?" I had really hoped she wouldn't ask "Well I uhh... kind of got hurt." She looked worried "Where at?" I pulled up my vest and shirt

Nothing was there. I started to freak out a little "I swear there were bruises all over." I said as I looked up at Toothless "Is my eye purple?" I asked. She nodded her head in a no. I started to panic even more "Hiccup maybe it was just your dream." She said as she started to nuzzle my side. I knew it had to do with the dream thing but I didn't know what "Maybe Toothless, just maybe."

I realized now people would wonder how I fixed myself 'I'll play it off as it wasn't as bad as thought.' I knew most would buy it. I patted the top of Toothless's head before walking over next to the fire and cooking my fish. I don't know what was happening with my body but it wasn't bad so I left it alone. After I finished my fish we talked about our lives and what we liked until dark

I looked up well aware it was dark but not wanting to go... but I had to "*Sigh* you know I would stay but I have to go back." I said, her ears drooped a little "But why can't you sleep here?" She asked. I was about to reply when I realized that she was right why could I stay? "Ok good point I'll stay." I watched her do what I could only assume to be a dragon smiling "But I need something to sleep on that's not a rock." I looked around and saw her raise her wing motioning me to her side "Really?" I wasn't sure if that's what she meant "Yes silly come here, trust me you shouldn't get cold." I hesitantly sat down and scooted over to her. I thanked her and asked one thing "Where were you earlier?" She put her wing across me like a blanket "Just getting food why?" I shook my shoulders "No reason." I scooted in further and smiled as I started to go to sleep.

                                                                        "This is a true friend"

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