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I woke up with a smile remembering the day before. I'm not quite sure what time it is but I didn't really care. I went downstairs to go eat some breakfast, eggs and fish were on the menu, and then I started to think 'Hmm I wonder if Toothless is hungry.' I decided that I would bring a few fish with me when I go and see her. Knock knock knock. I jumped as the banging on the door started "Come on Hiccup I'm not your babysitter!" My mood started to sour a little at the fact that I still need to go to dragon training

I sighed "I'll be there Gobber just give me a minute, I'll meet you there." I called over to him as I put the stuff from my breakfast away "Ok but you better not be late!" I heard him walk off. After putting things away I grabbed "My axe" and started heading to the ring 'Oh Gobber please don't make this worse' I hoped

I arrived at the arena and realized none of the other teens were there. I turned to Gobber "I thought you said I would be late." Gobber raised his eye "You almost were." I looked around a little harder to see if the others were here but I didn't see them "But... I'm the only one here." I heard Gobber chuckle "Oh this will be the last time this happens." A few minutes passed and they didn't show "So any reason you weren't at the meeting last night?" Gobber asked, wait meeting? "Uhh... what meeting?" I asked curiously "Didn't I tell you?" I shook my head "No" "Oh, my bad." I shrugged knowing that I was with Toothless during this time and I wouldn't have gone anyways

I heard the teens show up except Astrid "Gobber where is Astrid?" I asked knowing she would never miss this "She had to go to Gothi for being sick." Its Ironic how even the strongest get taken down by sickness "Will she be ok?" I asked wondering for her health "Ya, she'll be back for the next practice Gothi said." I was relived, sickness kills better then blades ever will. When the teens showed up seen Gobber smirk "So what was so important that you were late?" I heard a bunch of bull shit excuses. Gobber put up his hand er... hook "Don't let it happen again... or you'll be cleaning the dragon pens for a week." I watched even the twins cringe "Anyway on to today's lesson, the nadder."

After getting shields and weapons he threw us into a maze, then released the nadder "Hello little Vikings." I ignored the nadder and started to focus on the situation "The deadly nadder is fast and quick on its feet, you will have to be faster and lighter." I heard Gobber say from above. I decided I would stick to the sneaky way "Ahh! Gobber I really question you teaching methods!" I heard Fishlegs shout 'Don't we all?' I thought "Most dragons have a blind spot find it, hide in it, and strike!" The only bit of info Gobber has said that is useful today

I heard the twins arguing about something before hearing a nadder shot "Blind spot yes deaf spot not so much, hehe." I rolled my eyes 'How is he still the teacher?' I snapped out of my thoughts when I seen the nadders tail a few feet in front of me. I quickly turned and ran around a corner. With my back pressed against the wall I looked back around the corner and the nadder was gone. I looked in front of me and didn't see it anywhere "Ahh! Get away, get away!" I heard Snotlout scream. Then I heard the walls start to fall, I ran to where Gobber was because he had a clearing in front of him "Hiccup look out!"

I turned and watched as a wall pinned me to the ground from the waist down "Gah, son of a..." I felt Snotlout and one of the twins run across the wall that I was pinned with. I looked to the left and seen the nadder running at the others near Gobber until it stopped and looked around looking confused "Night fury where are you?" I figured out that it was female. I gulped when saw it look over at me and growled "What did you do Viking!?" I realized now that is why the groncle was confused, I smell like night fury "I didn't do anything."

I watched her stop in her tracks "D-did you just understand me?" I opened my mouth to speak but Gobber came down and knocked her out with a blow to the head with a mace. After Gobber put the nadder away he walked over to me and pulled the wall off of me. I stood up and brushed off "Gods twice in two days." I mumbled "What?" I waved my hand at him "Anyway today has proven that all of you need to train, even on your off time so get to it." All of us walked out of the arena and started going to town

I walked to the forge and cleaned up a little just to say I did something. After I was done I decided I wanted to go see Toothless but I had to go to my house. I was about half way when I heard him "Hi Hiccup." I turned to see Snotlout, I knew what was up and I started running to my house. He must have expected it because he threw a rock and hit me in the side of the head. I felt my vision blur as I started falling

"Someone as worthless as you shouldn't be in dragon training." He said "I didn't..." I got cut off with a kick to the ribs "Do you think you deserve to even be around us?" I cried out as he got kicked multiple times in the gut. I tried to curl up but he stomped my back forcing me to flatten back out. All I could feel was sharp pains in my ribs and guts as he repetitively kicked me. He pushed me onto my back and lifted me by my throat and pushed me up against a building "Remember, you will always be useless so stay out of our way!" The last thoughts to go through my head was not being able to see Toothless

                                             The last thing I seen was knuckles and then blackness...

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