They Have Dragons

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AN: So ya, it's been a while since I posted but I was just soooo happy to be out of school. That and I wrote a oneshot Devilish Dates, so go check that out. I meant to get this done by memorial day but it just didn't happen, because I didn't I would like to dedicate this chapter to all the men and women who died serving in the United States military. Now here's the story.

I woke up in a cold sweat panting and started to look around. I was still in Toothless's wings, I sighed out in relief. It was just another nightmare, this time it involved our little incident in the arena "Nightmares?" I jumped slightly at the sound of Toothless.

"Ya..." She hummed "I haven't been able to sleep either, haven't been able to turn my brain off." I nodded in understanding "How long was I asleep?" I asked "Eh, about four or five hours." I nodded slowly before pushing at her wings "Well I'm not getting sleep anytime soon so... wanna go for an early flight?"

I asked her as I stood up from our spot on the floor "You sure you don't want to sleep, you went through a lot yesterday." I nodded "I'm sure, unless you don't want to." She shook her head rapidly "No no, I'm always up for a flight I just... I don't want you to stress yourself out."

I let out a short chuckle "That ship sailed a long time ago but this, this helps get rid of some of it." She nodded for a second before gesturing to the door "Let's go then." I smiled and opened my door before creeping through. Dad wasn't downstairs so I was in the clear to leave.

When we got out of the door I quickly hopped on the saddle and we took off into the sky. After several seconds we were out of the village and above the forest. We didn't have a set destination but we didn't care and just flew around.

After about fifteen minutes of just flying above the forest Toothless spoke up "So about yesterday, why were you glowing?" I shrugged "I know just as much as you do." I said back also not understanding why. She stayed silent for a few more seconds before hesitantly asking.

"Also I've been meaning to ask, you know how you can breath fire and turn parts of your body into a dragons?" I nodded waiting for the rest "Well... what about wings or a tail?" I stared down at her for a few seconds, that thought never even crossed my mind.

"Well uh... I have no idea." I told her honestly, then I remembered "Actually, Thor did say something about wings I think." She trilled under me "So maybe you can fly on your own." I shook my hands for a seconds "Well I'm not a hundred percent sure so don't get your hope up yet." I said now starting to think of the possibility.

"Well... don't you at least want to try?" She asked. I froze up thinking of the thought, then I nodded "Of course I'll try, but I want to try it on the ground." I told her to which she nodded "Ok, I'll bring us down to the cove." She said before steering us in that direction.

After a minute or two we were in the cove and I got off shivering a bit from the cold "Mind if we light up a fire quick?" She shook her head "Sure, I'll help you get wood." She said before walking with me to get a little bit of wood.

When we got the wood I lit the fire and got it up to size. When that was done I looked over at Toothless "So um... how do I start?" She shrugged "I don't know how you do it but I'd assume that it's the same as the rest." I nodded and looked at the fire before thinking of two leathery, black wings.

After a few moments I felt that feeling in my back "I think it's working." I mumbled out before continuing. After another few seconds I felt a pressure on my back which started to excite me, but then I started to feel pain.

I realized what I did only a few seconds too late, my armor was still on. I started to cry out in pain as I felt my back start to be crushed "What's wrong Hiccup?!" I gritted my teeth and started to think of a normal human back.

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