Getting to Know Each Other

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I slowly started to come back from my little "nap" When I opened my eyes I looked around and realized I was in a cove 'How did I get here?' I tried to get up "Ahh!" I looked down and saw my foot was in a pile of rocks "Well shit..." I started to pull the rocks off but it didn't do much considering I was on my back and not that strong to start with. My mind started to franticly come up with a solution "Do you need some help?" I quickly spun my head around to see who was offering. It was the night fury 'Wow didn't expect to see her again.'

I nodded my head in a yes "Ok um... what do I do?" I looked at the rocks carefully before seeing a worthy option that didn't include losing his leg; he shuddered at the thought before giving her instructions "Do you see those rocks?" I pointed at the rocks above and below "Pull them in opposite directions and I should be able to pull my leg out. You got that?" She nodded an affirmative and put her paws in the two places I told her "Ok pull on three. One. Two. Three!" She pulled the directions I told her "Ahh!" I quickly pulled my leg out while scraping it badly

I quickly backed away from the pile. I heard the rocks start to fall and seen her walk away from the rock pile over to me "Thank you... for helping me." I said to her while rubbing the back of my neck nervously "No problem." We sat in silence for a minute until my leg started to sting. I slowly crawled over to a pond in the middle of the cove and started to stick my left leg into the water. I hissed as I got it up to the bottom of the knee where the scratches ended then started to wipe the little pebbles that got into some of the bigger cuts out. After soaking it and wiping it down I took off my vest and shirt and used my shirt as a bandage for my leg. I made quick work of ripping my shirt and properly wrapping my leg with it

After getting my leg patched I hobbled back over to the night fury and sat down on a rock "So about the other day..." I heard her say. I sighed "Ya about the other day, none of what I said was true I was having.... An off week." I said mumbling the last part. I heard her huff a little "An off week?" She asked not sounding like she believed me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "Ok the past few years has done a number on me and I had an episode ok."

Funny how I talk more to my worst "enemy" then I do my own fellow tribesmen. I looked over at her and even though I don't live with dragons I could tell from her face that she was in deep thought about something "What's on your mind?" She looked at the ground "I know this might be rude but... what are you?" She asked looking back up at me "What do you mean?" I asked confused "Well you're not exactly one hundred percent Viking." I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier "I... have no idea." She looked surprised "Really?" I nodded yes

We sat silently again until I realized that I don't want to keep calling her night fury "So what is your name?" I asked, she looked... embarrassed? "Well um... it's kind of weird." I chuckled "Trust me I think I got you beat in that department. She looked at me and nodded a negative "I really don't thinks so." She said "My name is Hiccup." She raised an eye before responding "You know I think we are tied." I was surprised and now curious "So what is it?" I asked "Well my name is Toothless." I didn't know what to say. It was kind of funny that again I have more in common with a dragon "So are you going to laugh?" I heard her ask, I nodded my head no "No but I'm curious on the name." I had to ask "I'll tell you if you tell me why you're called Hiccup." I thought it was a fair deal "Ok, I am called hiccup because I was the smallest, still am, and it is custom to call the smallest Hiccup." I said wondering how she got her name "That's weird." I laughed a little "Trust me, I agree." She giggled a little before telling me her story "Well I got my name from the other dragons in the nest because it looks like I don't have teeth."

I raised my eye considering I saw multiple very dangerous looking teeth "I'm not going to lie you look like you have teeth to me." I said confused on how that mistake could even be made. She opened her mouth and... no teeth?! "Ok what? I could have sworn..." I watched multiple teeth unsheathe themselves from her gums. It was fascinating considering I've never seen anything like it before "Cool."

I started to wonder what else people have missed about dragons. Toothless looked like she was trying to ask a question "What is it?" I asked wondering what else she wanted to know "It's just... how are you not freaking out at the fact that you are talking to me?" Now that is a very good question that I had to think on for a second "To be honest you're probably one of the nicest people I've ever spoken to... Hel I've talked to you longer than anyone else in years." I replied honestly

She looked surprised "Really why?" I looked down before responding "In the kind of place I live I'm classified as useless, a mistake, Hel useless is even a nickname I've been given." I said wiping away tears that threatened to fall "Why would they do that?! All sizes and intelligence have a place to make them useful." After wiping away a few tears I replied "Well with Vikings if you are not strong or good at fighting you are classified as a weakling and are treated as such." She looked mortified "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard." She said sounding disgusted "Welcome to my life."

"Well I don't think you're worthless." Those words. Those words are probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. But why would she say that she doesn't even know me "Why would you say that." She looked at me like it was obvious "You literally took me out of the sky." I mumbled an apology for doing that which she just waved off "Don't worry about it, the worst happened to my tail." She brought it around and it looked all scratched up 'I'll have to bring supplies tomorrow to help that.' I noted "But do you see what I mean? You took the most hidden dragon ever out of the night sky." She did have a point even though it was weird that she was referencing herself

"Thank you." She looked confused "For what?" I looked her in the eyes "For talking with me even though we are different." She didn't understand how much this made me happy to talk to another person "Of course, no problem at all." I smiled "So friends?" I asked "Sure why not." I stuck my hand out toward her muzzle and started to feel stupid. Then she moved her head to meet my hand...

I felt it, a bond. I don't know how but I felt something happen, it felt like I was now linked with her on a higher level. After the effects wore off I pulled my hand back and started smiling, and actual smile "Thank you, I needed this." I told her "No problem it's what friends do." I smiled even harder. The last friend I had was Astrid and Fishlegs but that was years ago. I seen the sun start to set and I sighed knowing I would have to leave soon "I'm going to have to leave soon or people will start searching for me." And dragon training but I won't say that "Ok, see you tomorrow?" She asked "Of course as long as I can." I replied before hobbling of to what looked like an exit. At the exit I turned and waved "I'll see you tomorrow."

It was a long walk with the leg but I managed to make it back to my house. After arriving I tended to my leg with herbs and proper bandages. Then I cooked a meal of fish before going upstairs to bed. I thought about how this morning I thought it was all a dream and now I have a dragon friend 'Oh dad if you knew' I shuddered at the thought of that. But all those thoughts aside it's sinking in on how the day has gone from training to now

                                             "Maybe now things will finally start to get better."

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