This is what I am

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"I love you Toothless." My eyes widened a little at Hiccups words. I knew he didn't mean them, after all who could love her? I quickly dismissed the thoughts 'No, Hiccup cares for me more than the rest of them.' She remembered how much her nest mates always made fun of her for how different she is. I looked in my wing at him and smiled. I knew he cared for me and that I'm able to make him smile

'His smile, it's so cute' I shook my head 'He's a human why would I even have thoughts like this?' I didn't care about the differences he has given me, his mortal enemy, more kindness then anyone at the nest ever had. I sighed knowing he probably wouldn't return the feeling though. I felt him rub my side as he shifted around a bit. I decided I should probably sleep and think more on it later

I felt the sun hit my eyes 'Stupid sun' I opened my eyes and decided to let Hiccup sleep in a little while longer. I started to think of things that we could do together other then talking. I realized that he has probably never flown before; once my tailfin was fully healed I would take him on a trip to the clouds. I was pulled out of my thoughts from Hiccup moving, I started to pull up my wing to wake him. I quickly closed my eyes as a bright blue light flashed from inside, then I heard him scream "Hiccup!"

Hiccup POV

I opened my eyes and seen that I was in that hall again 'Oh great' I looked around and seen the younger of the two I seen before in the middle "Hiccup." I jumped thinking he didn't know I was here. I walked over to him; he stood up strait and looked at me "Do you know who I am or why you're here?" I shook my head in a no. He smiled and put a hammer on the table "How about now?" I looked at it and realized it was Mjolnir. I nodded my head in a yes, after all only Thor himself can wield this deadly weapon

"Good now we must talk of your future." He pulled out a chair for me; I gladly sat down because my head was starting to spin "What of it?" I asked. I watched him sit across from me "Well you have figured out what you are becoming yes?" He asked. I nodded "I'm becoming a Volkin... I think." I heard him laugh, it sounded a bit like thunder "There is no if, ands, or buts about it, a Volkin is what you now are." I had a million questions but decided to ask the important ones

"So what is all... involved with this whole volkin thing?" I figured that's how I could get the most answers out of a question "Well theirs your powers and your duty so what do you want to know first?" He asked "What is going to change on my body?" I watched him take a deep breath "To start your body will become as fast and as strong as a dragons. You will have their weaknesses as well so I would advise talking to Toothless about those." I forgot that gods probably knew about everything and knew about her

"But in addition you will also get dragonic powers that you may summon at will such as fire, claw, and wings." My head started to spin with all of the info "So what type of dragon will my powers come from?" I asked wanting to know what type of dragon I was "All of them." That is a lot of dragons "But you're most powerful being powers of the night fury due to your bond." That much made sense to me "It will come to you. You just have to practice."

"As for your duty that is much simpler to explain but the task will not be easy." I felt fear start to rise up into my stomach "Your task I to end the human VS dragon war." If my eyes could bulge out they would "How could I even have a remote chance at that!?" I watched him put up his hands "The only advice I can give you is talk to Toothless about why they raid you." I was about to say something when I realized that why would dragons raid they can hunt fish just fine. As if he read my thoughts he smiled "Now you're catching on."

He motioned me to stand and walked me over to an open area with two dummies "I will get you started on how to use your powers. First think of fire." I began to think of fire "Now imagine that fire coming to life in your throat." I began to think about that "Now imagine all of that fire hitting that target." I did as he said. I felt smoke rise out of my throat and fly out. I coughed so hard I couldn't breathe "Very good." I looked at him funny 'This is good?' I coughed a few more times not able to get words out "Most of the volkin back in the day couldn't even blow smoke for a few hours." My mouth opened in an O "Now try again."

It had been an hour and I have tried multiple times "Again." I looked at the target 'Ok Hiccup just think about it what if I need to protect someone I love from danger.' I thought about fire, putting it in my throat, firing at the target, and then I thought about Toothless... *KabOOM* I flew back a few feet from an explosion on the dummy "Very well done!" He walked over to me and pulled me up "That was a plasma blast, only able to be used by master Volkin." I was no master that was certain "Odds are it is from your bond."

At least I could make sense of some of it now "To do anything else you just have to do the same steps as I showed you but with different things in mind." I nodded my head "Other than that I believe you can begin your journey." I still had questions but I'm sure they will be answered in due time "I will now send you back to your world." I had one last question "One more thing." I needed to know this "Is my mom doing ok up here?" I saw the look on the gods face, surprise. It quickly disappeared and he smiled "She's doing a little better than what you think." I was about to ask him what that meant "Now go home." I felt a tug and a flash of blue before leaving.

I felt myself touch the ground but I felt like someone had lit me on fire and I screamed out in pain "Hiccup!" I started to rub my body all over "It's ok Toothless, I'm fine." She shoved her head into my chest pushing me down "What happened, you scared me to death!?" I rubbed her head before explaining the visit with Thor except or the part where I ask why the dragons raid Berk

With her head still on my chest, her eyes went big "So you can do what dragons can do?" I nodded my head. She pulled her head off of my chest and smiled "Well, then show me what you can do." She looked excited. I chuckled slightly "Ok, ok I'll show you but I'm not that good at it right now." I stood up and looked for a target. I saw a tree that would do just fine. I sighed before going over the process 'Fire, putting it in me, now shoot!' I watched a little tiny plasma blast shoot out and hit the tree

I looked over at Toothless and she looked like she was in awe "What do you think?" She looked over at me smiling "Now that... was cool." I started smiling a little too knowing that the blast was weak "Little tip though; make sure your teeth are out of the way otherwise you will blow them out, hence the retractable teeth." Well now I know that little piece of important info "Also don't you have to go back to your village?" I heard in her voice that she didn't want me to go "I think I'm going to stay here today and train with my new powers." I watched her face light up "Really?" I nodded my head. She licked me in the face "Uhh..." I wiped the slime off of my face and watched her laugh. "Fricken overgrown lizard." She laughed harder. I walked over to the lake and washed it off; I turned around and started to begin on my self training

It was nearing dusk before I was done. I had managed to make a bigger blast, do it faster, and use different types of flame. Toothless arrived after leaving to get some fish for supper. She dropped me off a few "Thanks Tooth." I watched her perk up at the nickname "No problem." I might be wrong but I thought I seen red on her face. I ignored the thought, crawled next to Toothless, and ate my fish "I will have to go back tomorrow otherwise I'll have people looking for me." Toothless nodded her head in understanding and licked my cheek slightly "But don't worry I'll be back as soon as I can." I finished my last fish and laid back on Toothless "Good night Tooth." I felt her purr. I closed my eyes smiling feeling the heartbeat and breath of Toothless behind me.

                                                   'I think I'm falling in love with a dragon'

The Volkinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें