Unexpected Alliance

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1 Week Later


With a final swing of the hammer it was finally done. The cave was now deeper and had a door on the front of it to keep out the elements. On the inside there was a simple table, dresser, and small fireplace near the door so that the smoke could be piped out easier "So, what do you think?" I asked looking back at Toothless who helped me deepen it as well as widen the cave.

"I love it, it a place we can call home." She said with a happy glint in her eyes "Good, now I should get these tools back to Gobber." I muttered putting a hammer and saw back into the back of tools Gobber gave me to help build the door "Let's do that, maybe we can pick up a meal too."

With a chuckle I hopped on the saddle "Suppose I've been starving you by keeping you around all day." I said before she took off like an arrow into the air. We made way straight towards the smithy so that I could drop off the tools and adjust the strap on my eyepatch, it was starting to get itchy.

We landed out front and I brought the tools back in putting them back in their respected places "Ah you're back already? Figured that it would take you another hour or two." Gobber said walking in from the back where he tossed some coal in the forge "No Toothless helped me get enough logs for the door, thanks for the boards though, they helped a lot."

"No problem lad, anything to help." He said before picking up a pair of tongs that fell off the wall "Also um... your father came by...." He started slowly "No Gobber, not yet. I'm still a bit... upset." I said choosing my words carefully. He stared at me with a blank expression "You're pissed." He said bluntly.

"That about sums it up." I shot back. He put his hand to his face before shaking his head a bit "You two are always splitting yourselves apart, it's not healthy you know, you two really need to make up." That was probably the smartest bit of advice that Gobber has ever given anyone, sadly it wasn't going to happen yet.

"We'll come around to it. For now I'm going to try and not hit him." I said with a blank stare. He shrugged before tossing the tongs back on the wall "It'd probably be healthier for you TO hit him." He said with a teasing jab at my side. With a roll of my eyes I turned to leave "Talk to you later Gobber, Toothless and I are going to go get some grub." He waved us off saying goodbye.

We made our way into the great hall and got ourselves the first meal of the day. We went to the back corner like usual and I opened up the basket of fish "Sorry about the wait, I didn't realize how long we were working on that otherwise I would have stopped and gotten food." I said feeling a little guilty since we haven't eaten since the day before at around the same time.

"I think I can go a little while without food Hiccup, you look like you've been starved." I waved her off before she gestured to my plate. Noticing that my plate was almost done already I sheepishly looked back over at her and she gave me the "Told you so" look. With a small amount of grumbling I went back and got more before sitting back down.

"The only person I've ever seen eat that fast is Snotlout, and you might even have him beat." Astrid said coming up from behind me and sitting down next to me "Suppose that's what happens when I get absorbed in my work." I said rubbing the back of my neck and letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Toothless you need to hammer down on this knucklehead for his own good."Astrid said looking over at Toothless "Hey what are you talking about I'm perfectly..." "No problem, he needs a little bit of connection to the real world." Toothless said cutting me off. I stared at her with a blank stare "Har har, I know perfectly well what's good for me." I defended.

"Not really, I don't think I can count how many nights you had little sleep or gone without food." She shot back. As I was about to say something I heard Cloudjumpers voice behind me "Look at that, bickering like mates already." We both started sputtering and blushing while he chuckled. Astrid just stared at us funny "What did he say?"

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