The Truth Comes Out

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"You're just as beautiful as the day I lost you." I heard him say as he looked into her eyes. She cried out and put her head onto his chest. I smiled; their little reunion was going well so far so far. I watched my mom pull away sniffling looking at my father "I'm so sorry Stoick..." She started but my dad stopped her and kissed her. I looked away feeling embarrassed "What are they doing?" I heard Toothless ask

I looked at her "They're um... well there kissing." I told her taking a glance back to see them still hugging it out "What's that?" She asked. I guess dragons don't kiss... makes sense "Well Tooth, kissing is what people do when they love or are in love with the other. For example, if my mom kissed me it would be a short symbol of love. Now my parents' kissing is different, it's more passionate because they are in love." I told her feeling awkward about trying to explain it. She still looked a little confused "It's basically showing affection for the other." I told her trying to simplify it "So it's like me nuzzling you?" She asked me. I nodded "Kinda like that, ya."

"Where have you been all this time?" I heard my dad ask. Toothless nodded in their direction and I went over to them "Well uh you see Stoick... it's a long story." I heard her respond obviously scared and nervous while looking down. I stood a few meters away and listened. I watched him lift her head "Doesn't matter, you can tell me another time." He said quietly as if she would run off. Then he turned to me

"Hiccup this... this is your mother." He told me still not letting mom go "I know." I told him. He looked at me confused before his face went into recognition "You knew?" I nodded "For a couple of days now... didn't believe at first but she checked out." I told him truthfully "Why didn't you tell me?" I shook my head "It's not exactly like I could tell you that your wife came back on the dragon that killed her." I told him trying to keep him calm. He looked at mom and back to me "Riding a dragon?!" I face palmed realizing my mistake "Well, I guess Cloudjumper can show himself now." I said to mom. She nodded and broke out of dads embrace before calling Cloudjumper

I watched him come out of the same spot Toothless did. He walked a slowly towards us looking nervous "It's ok Cloudjumper." I told him hoping to calm his nerves "Are you sure Hiccup? He looks kinda angry." I looked over at my dad and saw his lips press tightly together. I hit his arm and he looked at me a little surprised "No harm will come of Cloudjumper got it?" I told him forcefully. He shook his head "Good."

When he got to us mom went over to him "Stoick this... is Cloudjumper. Cloudjumper this is Stoick." She said trying to introduce the two. I could almost cut the tension with my knife and I knew that my mom knew too "Stoick stop." He glanced over at her "Don't take your anger out on Cloudjumper." He looked away from Cloudjumper and to my mom "That beast took you from me." I heard him growl

"Maybe, but he wasn't the one keeping me from coming back." She said back with force. He turned to look at her and I nudged Cloudjumper "I would get some distance." He shook his head at me. I turned back to them "Then where have you been Val?" He asked her "I've been with Cloudjumper all these years Stoick. Am I sorry... yes I am. But how could I come back after what happened? How could I explain a dragon?" I watched him open his mouth to speak but close his eyes before looking down "I don't know."

"Please Stoick, don't be angry with Cloudjumper." She said to him almost pleading. He looked over at Cloudjumper and stared him in the eye. I watched him take a deep breath "I'm giving you a chance dragon... only because of her." He said pointing back at mom. I let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding and watched relief go to my mom's face "Thank you Stoick." He grunted. I put my hand on his shoulder "Trust me dad, the more you forgive the better you'll feel." I told him from experience "Like I said, if you're always angry you'll never get to experience happiness."

The VolkinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora