Second Chances

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I woke up to the familiar blackness of Toothless's wing above me. I began to listen to the rhythm of her heart and the speed of her breath... it was soothing. I started to think about the relationship I was building with Toothless. I have poured more of my feelings out to her then everyone I've ever talked to combined and she could relate to me. I realized that Toothless basically brought me out of a... tough moment in my life 'I couldn't be any luckier with a friend.' I thought with a slight smile on my face

'Or maybe more than a friend...' I shook my head at the thought after all how could a dragon "like like" a human? I myself didn't care for the species difference after all she has been kinder to me than anyone else I know, but I don't think I should risk saying anything after all, we just became friends. I sighed out at my dilemma cursing myself 'only you would fall for a dragon... freaking idiot.'

I felt Toothless shift behind me and heard her breath start to quicken "Good morning Tooth." I said as I pushed up on her wing which she moved rather sluggishly "Morning Hiccup." I stretched out my back feeling slight popping, I looked over at Toothless and seen she was doing the same "So how did you sleep?" She asked "Honestly I haven't slept this good in a long time." I replied

She hummed a little "That's good... so when are you leaving?" I looked up at the sky and determined that I still had a couple hours "I have a little while, how about we eat breakfast?" At the thought of food my stomach growled. I heard her giggle a little "Sure, I'll go get some fish." I watched her walk over to the lake and look in "How become you didn't fish here earlier?" I asked "I didn't want the lake to run out in case I got stuck in here." I quickly understood, if her tail got infected she probably couldn't get out "Smart thinking."

She smiled "Thanks." I remember a few seconds later that I needed to put some more paste on her tail again before I left. My head whipped around when I heard an explosion over by Toothless. I walked over and seen multiple dead fish on the surface of the water "Breakfast is served I guess." I mumbled out walking in the water pulling out six fish. After a few minutes she got four more out of the lake "I just want one." I said grabbing one from the pile. I felt a fish hit me in the face "Ow, what was that for?" I asked rubbing my cheek "You need to eat more."

"Yes mom." I grumbled out before grabbing the fish. I put some sticks into a pile before using a nightmare flame to light it. I coughed a few times considering I had only used nightmare flame twice "I'm still *cough* getting used to this." I wheezed out "It will got better." She said with a smile hinting at her lips "I hope so."

After coughing up a lung I cooked up the two fish on the newly made fire "You know, you haven't tried cooked fish, wanna try it?" I asked "I'll try it... if you eat one raw." Now that sounded disgusting but why not right? "Ok fine." I put the cooked one in her paws and grabbed one of the raw ones. I had to wipe off a little dirt on it "Ready?" She asked. I knew I was probably going to throw up but I nodded anyway. We counted down from three and took a bite... it was, not bad. It tasted almost the same as being cooked but the texture changed a lot.

"You know what... it's not that bad." I said taking another bite making sure "This isn't too bad either, but I like it raw better." I she said "I don't mind both ways, but it's a little bit slimy." I said honestly. It was probably the fact that I was becoming dragon that I didn't puke the second it touched my lips 'I wonder what else will change'

I looked up at the sun and decided it was time for me to leave "I best be on my way." Toothless nodded "Ok, I'll see you later then?" Don't know why but I remembered I forgot to do Toothless's tail again "Of course and when I get back I'm going to need to redo your tail." I said as I began to leave. After several minutes I arrived back at Berk and started to walk over to the arena for training

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