This Link That Bonds Us

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I woke up breaking out of Toothless embrace for the umpteenth time this week. I stayed looking at the ground catching my breath. My nightmares have changed from Toothless to me becoming a killer. Now all that my dreams consisted of was the death of people I love. After the incident with Snotlout a week ago all I can dream about is becoming a psychotic dragonic killer.

"Another one?" Toothless said behind me. I nodded my head "Not as bad this time though." I told her taking a deep breath and standing back up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, it was almost high noon so I at least I didn't keep neglecting Toothless's sleep "I told dad yesterday that I was going to stay here with you and mom for the day." I told her cracking my back "Ok that will give you a better chance to use that... kotawna." I chuckled "Katana, and yes I do plan on practicing today."

I finished the handle earlier in the week which required me to learn to tie string in a certain way. Then I also finished the sheath as well just keeping it basic. I sat back down on Toothless and pulled out the book on weapons. I decided to just read it to myself this time. It showed me different ways of slashing and stabbing which all looked simple but I'm sure will be a pain. I flipped the page to see the words "Important" printed on it. As I read it told me that the katana had very little defensive maneuvers because the blade was very brittle, so brittle that a sword blow could shatter the blade. I already knew this because the blade itself was very hard to pierce armor.

I sighed kinda starting to regret making the katana because I did want to be able to block. I continued to read though and learned the very few defensive moves. They all included me either getting out of the way completely or redirecting the weapons that came at me. The defensive chapter was the last one to learn. I closed the book, so the katana is an offensive weapon that I could tell for sure. I turned to tell Toothless but stopped when I saw her sleeping. I smiled and slowly crawled away. She needed the sleep because she kept worrying about me all day.

I walked over to the dummies that I made with the help of my father, which were amazing, and pulled out my katana. I stared at the blade a little before sighing "Here goes nothing." I got into my stance for a fight. I ran at the dummy and sliced the torso of it but I tripped and lost my balance. I caught myself before I fell. I cursed under my breath and got back in my stance in front of the dummy. I did the same thing again and the results were the same except I actually fell this time. I stood back up "How does anyone fight like this?!" I whisper shouted. The stance required a lot of balance and agility. I got back into position and tried again.

Over the course of an hour I failed many times but I eventually got it and was able to hit one dummy then do the same to the other in a fluent motion. I looked at the sliced up dummies and smiled wiping sweat from my brow "Only fifty thousand more positions to go." I said knowing this will take time. I sheathed the blade and pulled out the water skin that I brought with and took a drink.

'Shh, it's ok Hiccup...' I dropped the water and spun around. No one was there. I looked around and the only one around was Toothless 'I hate seeing you like this.' I kept looking for the source of the voice 'Oh how I wish I could help you.' I ran over to Toothless "Tooth get up!" I told her shaking her. Her eyes shot open and she instantly started looking around. She looked for a few seconds before looking at me

"What's wrong Hiccup?" She asked me worried. I kept looking around "I just heard someone talking to me." I told her. She lifted her nose and sniffed a few times before turning to me "No, the only ones here are us and a few birds." That scared me even more "Are you sure?" She nodded.

I shook my head "That doesn't make sense... I swear I heard someone." I said to her "Maybe you're just tired from not getting enough sleep?" She suggested. I kept looking around the clearing "Maybe..." I said still not fully believing "Well what did this person say then?" She asked to which I told her. Her eye rose a little "Doesn't sound to hostile, heck it sounds like me every morning." I let out a quiet apology for that. I sat there in silence for a second "Maybe you're right that I just need sleep, but not right now." I told her not feeling tired at all "If you hear it again let me know ok?" I nodded

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