"Now we just need a girl."

"I'm happy with our two boys'."

"So am I but I think we should have a little girl at some point."

"Maybe someday but right now I'm content."

"I love you so much." He kissed my temple, making me sigh in content.

"I love you too. I'm so glad I get to share these moments with you."

"I don't ever want to share this moment of holding my child unless it's with you." He turned, pecking my lips. Of course, little man burst our bubble letting us know he was hungry.

"Go see your mommy." I moved back in the bed getting comfortable before pulling him into my arms.

"It's okay buddy." I got him situated before leaning against Jeremy.

"You ready to see your dad?"

"Yea, I'm glad he gets to meet his grandsons. I hope him and Colin get a long so he can meet Poppy."

"I think he will come around." I nodded bringing my attention back to Greyson.

"Your momma's sweet boy huh." I smiled kissing his forehead.

"After he's settled we should get some sleep."

"I'm so tired."

"I know you and did so amazing."

"I had a pretty good support team." He nodded getting more comfortable next to me. Little man finished up and closed his eyes going to sleep. I got up and laid him down in his bassinet before going to curl up to Jeremy. He was already asleep as he pulled me into his arms. I kissed his chest before falling asleep.



"Shh your brother is sleeping." I felt him crawl on the bed, laying in the middle of me and Jeremy.

"Go back to sleep baby, it's early." I moved the blankets and he moved to curl up to me.

"Love you." I kissed his forehead before trying to go back to sleep.

Thankfully I got another hour in before Greyson woke up screaming. Sighing I pulled away from Travis and pulled Greyson in my arms getting him ready for his breakfast.

"I'm going to start the coffee." Jeremy said tiredly while I nodded.

"Why he so loud?" I smiled playing with Trav's hair.

"He's hungry. He can't talk yet so that his way of telling us he needs something."

"Why he can't talk?"

"He doesn't know how just yet. You learned to talk not that long ago." He looked at me confused while I just smiled at him.

"You were a little baby just like him."

"Hey Ellie, is going to bring us food." Jeremy said.

"Did she say when?"

"In like an hour." I nodded as he got back on the bed.

"Cartoons." Jeremy put them on while I got more comfortable with Greyson. I looked over at Jeremy and found him smiling at us.

"What?" He asked.

"It's nice to be here with you and the boys."

"This is our home." I smiled as he leaned over giving me a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Gross." I giggled as he pulled away. I'm so thankful for these three boys.

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